Full Interview: Dr. Eric Klein of the Cleveland Clinic Talks about XMRV Research


Senior Member
January 7th, 2011 www.cfidsreport.com

Dr. Eric A. Klein, MD is the Chairman of the Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. As part of a research team at the Cleveland Clinic that originally published an association with prostate cancer and the novel retrovirus XMRV in 2006, Klein is a knowledgeable and engaging researcher on the topic of XMRV. In the following interview with the CFS Report's Craig Maupin, conducted January 7th, 2010, Klein answers a series of questions about XMRV, recent research, future plans of his clinic, and the media coverage of four studies in Retrovirology on December 21st, 2010.



Senior Member
Yeah, thanks for posting. So it seems XMRV positive men can look forward to prostate biopsies or massages.

This definitely sounds less and less like an innocent virus.

We are excited by the idea that XMRV may infect the human population and it may be something important.

I guess I understand what he means, but I am not sure I am excited XMRV is at large :D


disjecta membra
Los Angeles, CA
Excited is good. Excited is what we want. That means more and more researchers chasing the gold ring of making important new discoveries. Remember that understanding XMRV better could cause the door to swing open on other previously ill-understood diseases.