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Free uterus, lightly used, will ship anywhere except the UK


Since I have to have this thing removed and I have suffered with endometriosis and ME, how do I arrange to have the big 'U' shipped for research. Do I just email WPI or Klimas or who? It would be a shame to have a perfectly good organ go to waste. If xmrv is implicated in the prostrate, could it not do something to the uterus? Your replies are most welcome.



Patient in training
Wendy I thought you were offering surrogacy services for CFS couples!!! I hope your uterus will find a good home for scientific purposes. I also hope that the other organs in your body won't be too lonely with out it. Hoping for a safe surgery and recovery.


Senior Member
NorthEastern USA

I agree with Anne, such a great thread title. I did not know what to expect, but I did not expect the thread to be serious.

However, after reading I thought.....wonderful idea... wonderful attitude to be considering how to help this cause.

Has your surgery been scheduled?



Senior Member
If you would, when WPI responds to your kind offer, could you also tell us too please? I too will be in the position to offer up my miserable uterus in the next two months. I had visions of throwing it against the wall 360 times to make up for all the pain and problems it has created for me, but, if WPI will actually take the darn thing, than I would give mine to them as well. I sort of doubt they will take body organs such as this, but, hey, you never know. Good idea.
If WPI won't take it, see if the doctor willl let you take a few stomps on the darn thing just to get even with it. Oh wait, that's MY fantasy...


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
Since I have to have this thing removed and I have suffered with endometriosis and ME, how do I arrange to have the big 'U' shipped for research. Do I just email WPI or Klimas or who? It would be a shame to have a perfectly good organ go to waste. If xmrv is implicated in the prostrate, could it not do something to the uterus? Your replies are most welcome.


Interesting topic, Wendy, & I hope the "U" goes to a good home, where it can feel useful.

I had an endometrial ablation late December. Destroys the whole lining of the (abnormal) uterus & the pathology taken on the tissue removed before the ablation, turned out to show no cancer, so I was overwhelmingly relieved. My symptoms were the type normally indicitive of endometrial cancer.

Endometrial ablations take 90 seconds with a special laser & this relatively new procedure was done instead of a hysterectomy.

So far, so good. Symptoms are gone 100% & I have had no after effects which commonly occur in the first month or two.

Were you given the option of a endometrial ablation at all? Or should I say, WOULD an endometrial ablation have solved your problems?

No need to give details, I just wondered whether my procedure was an option for you.


Senior Member
Please let us know what happens.

There are times when I want to keep my parts because I think it's meant to be there - not that I've ever used it for it's true purpose. And there are times (many many times) that I curse and loathe it's existence, would rip it out with homemade utensils if I could and run it over will my car!!!!

I say this every month: My uterus is not my friend!


Senior Member
Hi Wendy -

A friend of mine had surgery a few months ago (not a hysterectomy) and contacted WPI. They did want samples, she has a fairly unique set of issues.

Anyway, the important thing to share is that she thought she had everything in place, and then on day of surgery found that her hospital was almost hopelessly unprepared to make it happen. In addition to dealing with the stress of surgery day, she practically had to do the hospital's job to make sure that her bone and tissue specimens got correctly collected, packaged, and shipped.

Forewarned is fore armed ;-)

Thank you for sharing your girly parts for the greater good, and I wish you a safe and successful procedure and speedy healing. I wish there would've been someplace to send samples of my practically useless parts when I was relieved of them.

Maybe you want to contact the CAA also, since they're getting a biobank going? I would think there will be plenty to go around, my understanding is only samples get sent, not the whole enchilada (uter-lada?).



Senior Member
NorthEastern USA
" she practically had to do the hospital's job to make sure that her bone and tissue specimens got correctly collected, packaged, and shipped."

SeaShel, and others, I am postop bunionectomy, sitting in bed with my foot on a tower of pillows. Would my bunion bone fragments have been of interest?????



Senior Member
June, I'm not a doc nor a researcher, and I haven't played one on TV, so I can't answer that ;-)

I hope you heal well and swiftly - take good care.



This thread has made my day for all sorts of reasons.
What a brilliant community we have.

Rachel xx


This is such a brilliant idea! I certainly hope it happens because it would take nothing but willpower and a little organisation and I would think that you Wendy would be doing the hardest part! Well, bar the surgeons anyway! This is an absolutely wonderful thing you want to do and a brilliant thread title.

On a related note, I wonder how useful pap smears would be to the WPI? In England you get a 'Happy 25th Brithday from thr NHS!' with the offer of a cervical smear test, huzzah how kind! There's no one really prepared here and with XMRV at such an early stage I doubt the Ramsay tissue bank they are forming would be interested just yet because it ain't cheap. I wonder whether the WPI would be though?

Good luck all with your uteruses, Katie


My Gosh, so many replies, I do feel my sense of humor returning, although I can't follow alot of the science, brain fog has taken me over. I wonder if Rip Van Winkle suffered from ME/CFS?

Kati, thank you but no surrogate here, I am sure that I and my other organs won't be missing it!

Anne, thank you, I did think hard about a funny post, esp after 'Are we potatos'?

IntuneJune, again, as always, a sincere thank you and I am trying to schedule surgery around school.

Hope 123, thank you for your link, I will use it with my doctors.

Alesh, I agree, no longer hysterical but still, I hope, funny, if not hysterically so.

Sam, thank you for your very kind words and wishes.

Muffin, great name by the way, in NH we are very fond of such nick-names. I too am glad to be rid of the damn thing. I am hoping it goes to a good cause and not to Hannibal lecter!

Thank you all, what a great place!



So many more replies in the time it took me to thank all of you! What a wonderful bunch of people here and, if I can be a bit sexist, a great group of supportive women! I am truly blessed. I will take all of you advice to heart and will do my utmost to contribute to the research of us all. 'God bless us everyone!"
