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Forehead/scalp tingling--anyone else?

I'm not sure if this is peripheral neuropathy or not, but I've been having an ongoing sensation of my forehead/scalp "buzzing"--not pain, not pins and needles, more like an electrical vibe. It's really annoying, especially as it gets worse when I listen to relaxation/novels etc. on my Ipod--my last source of intake since I can't really read or watch videos anymore.

Does anyone else have this? Any ideas?



I get this because of a supplement or something exiting me too much (inmune system or Autonomic)
examples: Zinc, Equinecia, Methyls b12, folate, Ab12, I get it also when I over do like heavy excercise.


I'm not sure if this is peripheral neuropathy or not, but I've been having an ongoing sensation of my forehead/scalp "buzzing"--not pain, not pins and needles, more like an electrical vibe. It's really annoying, especially as it gets worse when I listen to relaxation/novels etc. on my Ipod--my last source of intake since I can't really read or watch videos anymore.

Does anyone else have this? Any ideas?


Perhaps try taking a break - half hour, hour? - from sound as well? (And of course consult with your doctor.)


Rebel without a biscuit
While I can't get into your head and be sure, I believe I've at least experienced something similar.
It goes away on it's own eventually of course but if you want to try something to hasten it you might try taking a OTC muscle relaxant.
No guarantees, but it might help. :balloons:
THanks everyone--my doc says my B12 levels are too high, so I'll cut back on that. I've been spending most of my time doing nothing, including sound, so that's not the solution, unfortunately...:(


THanks everyone--my doc says my B12 levels are too high, so I'll cut back on that. I've been spending most of my time doing nothing, including sound, so that's not the solution, unfortunately...:(

Sorry you haven't yet found something to help. Although I haven't listened to guided meditations in awhile, I used to listen to this one http://quietmindcafe.com/pain-management.html about using visualizations, and found it helpful with coping with head/eye pain, at times.

Otherwise - and perhaps this sounds odd - but I just wondered if any in the ME community have learned braille. Head/eye pain often prevents me from reading but I'm able to listen to news/stories. And of course, I also need lots of silence - but my ability to tolerate sound has ever-ever-so-slowly improved with much time. I hope yours will as well.

Anyway, I wonder about braille - or perhaps meditating with (prayer?) beads. I haven't tried either of these, but it just occurred to me that having something tactile to hold or count/think through might help engage your mind, when it needs to rest from other stimuli. Again, just an idea... Hope you find something that helps, asap. Best, R-