Using the PR activity level scale, those who are at 2 or lower, how do you decide how to spend your limited energy? (PR activity scale below)
0 - Bedridden constantly 1 - Mostly bedridden 2 - leave house once a week, concentrate 1/hour a day 3 - leave house several times/week, two hours work/activity at home a day 4 - 3 to 4 hours of work/activity a day 5 - four to five hours/activity a day 6 - six to seven hours/activity a day 7 - able to work full-time but with difficulty 8 - near-normal activity level but still symptomatic 9 - normal activity level, mild symptoms 10- fully recovered
I wrote a long post but I'm tired and don't feel I'm being clear so for now I'm editing it and keeping it brief. Basically, for those who cannot leave the house often, and who can't do much at home, how do you make decisions about doctor's visits, social visits, hobbies, and other exertion? When the cost of overexertion is high, long crashes and possibly not returning to previous level of functioning after a crash, it can be really hard to decide how to use limited time and energy. How do you decide how much of your energy to devote to rest, to medical visits, to socializing, hobbies, even maybe some income earning activities from home on occasion maybe?
I'm not looking for advice per se, rather more to hear how others deal with this issue. Thank you!
0 - Bedridden constantly 1 - Mostly bedridden 2 - leave house once a week, concentrate 1/hour a day 3 - leave house several times/week, two hours work/activity at home a day 4 - 3 to 4 hours of work/activity a day 5 - four to five hours/activity a day 6 - six to seven hours/activity a day 7 - able to work full-time but with difficulty 8 - near-normal activity level but still symptomatic 9 - normal activity level, mild symptoms 10- fully recovered
I wrote a long post but I'm tired and don't feel I'm being clear so for now I'm editing it and keeping it brief. Basically, for those who cannot leave the house often, and who can't do much at home, how do you make decisions about doctor's visits, social visits, hobbies, and other exertion? When the cost of overexertion is high, long crashes and possibly not returning to previous level of functioning after a crash, it can be really hard to decide how to use limited time and energy. How do you decide how much of your energy to devote to rest, to medical visits, to socializing, hobbies, even maybe some income earning activities from home on occasion maybe?
I'm not looking for advice per se, rather more to hear how others deal with this issue. Thank you!