Flare or Covid?

vision blue

Senior Member
I"m worse than I've been in 4 years- I think it's a "flare" whatever that means, but feels a bit different, so hard to rule out COVID since that can manifest in odd ways.

The order of my symptoms over the last month (will look up exact date) has gone something like this: seeming sinus infection recurrence (mold?) during which i felt great, then that got exchanged same day with dys symptoms returning with a vengeance (heart pounding, hot flashes, sweats, chills, cold extremities, sound sensitivity, increased tinnitus, too much noradreniline), some new symptoms (an odd 5 days of feeling "agitated, new/increased visual anomalies- more snow, new checker boards, some odd achromatic flashes), then gut - return of increased motility and urgency, reflus, new onset intermittent nausea and loss of appetite, now all morphing into muscle pains and aches, yesterday feet tingling, possibly now going back into sinuses- ears too? dizziness/vertigo threatens (Hate to mention the word vertigo because i think i might summon that demon through the act of saying the name). oh and also have symptoms of my recurring herpes virus including nerve pain and skin sensivitiy in the affected regions. Somewhere in there are headaches of various sorts; i forget when.

So one interpretation is infection or mold or something in sinuses, which triggered herpes recurrence (same nerve is affectd), both of these things worsened my dysautonomia etc. Another interpretation is i'm hit with nearly everything ive ever had with a few more things becausemy immunr system is trying to fight covid

i think its the former, but raises an issue that its not always possible to tell (no fever , my smell abilty seems to very from having difficulty to hypersensenstive smell, and I don't feel like i'm fighting a big though am sluggish)

andif it is mold, don't know how wil get rid of it with all my chemical issues. I should add that before this all started, my latest OAT result ws 5 times normal upper limit of a fungal marker. ONe year before that , that marker was normal but i had a tiny bit over upper limit on a different fungal marker, and the year before that, all fungal markers were mid to low normal range. Nor do i know how to stop this train wreck before it gets any worse.

anyway, not feeling so good...


Senior Member
Awww, sorry to hear this. It does sound like it could be virus related (Covid or otherwise) but with our bodies -- who the heck knows?!

vision blue

Senior Member
Thanks. Yes, i can do a covid test. amusingly, i'm not sure what result would give me peace of mind!

i know, gets so hard to unravel. I'd say I'd throw in the towel, but with my luck it will be a moldy towel and I'll get worse...