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Final Push - STOP Waxman's Anti-Supplement FTC Expansion Language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


senior member
Concord, NH

A message from the Alliance for Natural Health USA

The Wall St. Financial Reform Bill Conference Committee is meeting right now. They are expected to wrap up their deliberations by tomorrow, perhaps even by today!

Congressman Waxman and Congressman Frank are pushing hard to include the provision expanding Federal Trade Commission (FTC) powers that threatens the supplement and functional food industries. This is our last chance to keep this noxious provision out of the bill. PLEASE TAKE ACTION AT ONCE. Your representative or senator is currently serving in the Conference Committee. We have set it up so that your message will go directly to him or her.

Let your House and Senate members know that the new anti-supplement FTC expiation powers MUST NOT be in the final Wall St. Financial Reform package. TAKE ACTION!
