The Miami VA is conducting a National Institute of Health research study under Nancy Klimas, M.D., and is currently looking to recruit women between the ages of 40 and 65, who have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, to participate. They are officially calling this study "The NIH Study," but those of us who have already participated in this study generally refer to it as the "VO2 Max Study." The information provided on your VO2 Max results can be extremely useful in helping to prevent the "crashes" Fibromyalgia patients experience and help you gradually reach a higher level of functioning.
Study Parameters:
Females between the ages of 40-65 with a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or both.
You do not need to stop taking any of your regular medications for this study.
Participants will receive:
- A complete physical.
- Lab work including complete Immune Panel (would normally cost over $1,000 if you paid out of pocket).
- $200.00 for your participation.
The study will require three office visits to the VA Hospital:
- The first visit will take about three hours for a physical, blood draw, and cognitive function testing.
- The second visit will take about six hours because it will include a VO2 Max (maximum ability to deliver oxygen to the working muscles) study where you will be on an exercise bicycle to determine how long it takes your energy system to switch from your Aerobic to your Anaerobic Threshold and what your heart rate is at that level. (On a personal note, it took me less than five minutes to switch from Aerobic to Anaerobic so I spent less than five minutes on the exercise bike!)
- The final visit will take about an hour because they will only be drawing blood.
If you are interested in participating in this study,
you should first ask your own physician if you are healthy enough to have the VO2 Max study. If you are and you wish to proceed, contact Fanny Collado directly at any of the phone numbers or email addresses below.