I am genuinely impressed with the folks who have observed they have an oxygen problem.
There is a good line you can use when you are having an agument with someone a bit slow.
You say "gee you have a problem with contradictions dont you .... ".
ME is a contradicton. Our bodies are cutting off the oxygen to protect us. As Paul Cheney says "the fatigue is saving their lives". The last thing you should be wanting is more oxygen.
If you have a fire in the kitchen, do you add oxygen, or do you smother the fire ?
Our cells are not able to metabolise properly. Normally sugars go into the cell and in the presense of oxygen, are metabolised to energy for the cell. For us that is not working and theoretically that is enough to kill us. They have done this experimentally to dogs, and they die in 20 minutes.
So our bodies are doing everything they can to cut off oxygen in a number of ways.
We have a PFO, an opening between chambers of the heart so that stale blood goes around again. Also our blood holds on to oxygen not releasing it to the cells. There are other ways I cant remember just now.
So they have known this for a while. What is new and interesting is that while ME patients have a high chance of catching cancer, people with XMRV who do not have the safe guard of ME, will have an even higher chance of getting cancer then we do. What I think is suspected is that the cutting off of oxygen, is protecting us from cancer.
So next time you are breathless, say thank god for that, at least untill the XMRV is eliminated from your body. And that is science fiction talk, unlikely in at least the next 20 years.
If you want to understand this illness, just follow what Paul Cheney says. Read it, watch it, over and over. He is ten years in front of eveyone else. He realised we have a retrovirus and are suceptible to cancer in 1985. That he wasn't listened to is a crime, that we are only just beginning to comprehend.
Oh and by the way, you do not have CFS. You have ME. CFS is a lie, a psychiatric illness made up by the CDC. Announcements are being made now about ME/CFS purely so that the CDC can not escape legal justice. See you in court guys.