Fate, faith and suffering {MECFS}


Senior Member
A great piece of writing but my goodness it's long !

Striving to live ...
Yep ...humans and animals are amazing .... We have survival instinct in the most dire situations .

I liked when he spoke about death of ego I v much enjoy that part of having severe m.e CFS ..
I was a bit of an ass before 😊

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I liked when he spoke about death of ego I v much enjoy that part of having severe m.e CFS ..
I was a bit of an ass before 😊

I still have my issues....(sometimes, one can just get a bit fed up with the incompetence of others)

Then: I become increasingly incompetent.

slammed into it quite directly, from the failed baby sweater project (so much for the gauge); I'll sew a baby dress (never really could focus on the needle, or get the tension set correctly); to yesterday I can't actually write my own middle name and live through it....)

There is something gained through death of the ego...and man is it hard but sometimes its perfectly OK to empty out and know NOTHING.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
A great piece of writing but my goodness it's long !
I agree. It took me forever to get thru it. It's long and self-indulgent, but it has a lot to say, and it's worth the effort.

I just had to try and control that ants-trying-to-break-out-of-somewhere-around-my-stomach response to the length, and the internal rolling of the eyes, and the feeling that you're never getting out of this alive .... because buried in all that self-indulgent verbiage is a lot of insight, and a lot of truth, and more importantly, at least to me, a lot of meeting yourself suddenly and unexpectedly ....

And God knows, anyone who's struggling thru and with this illness can be cut a lot of slack ....

Thank you, @jaybee00 for posting this link :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :hug: ....


Senior Member

I agree. It took me forever to get thru it. It's long and self-indulgent, but it has a lot to say, and it's worth the effort.

I just had to try and control that ants-trying-to-break-out-of-somewhere-around-my-stomach response to the length, and the internal rolling of the eyes, and the feeling that you're never getting out of this alive .... because buried in all that self-indulgent verbiage is a lot of insight, and a lot of truth, and more importantly, at least to me, a lot of meeting yourself suddenly and unexpectedly ....

And God knows, anyone who's struggling thru and with this illness can be cut a lot of slack ....

Thank you, @jaybee00 for posting this link :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :hug: ....
I love how you write @YippeeKi YOW !!
Your a fabulous situational commentator ...bringing real life into more real life 💓


Senior Member

I'm not sure what that is, but if I'm fabulous at it, who cares !!!!

Than you for the truly lovely compliment ...:):) :redface: :hug::hug:
I don't really know what it is either 😂 I made it up ... But what it means to me is when someone has the ability like a philosopher , poet , musician , comedian to tell a story about life in a really imaginative , creative , illuminating and captivating way ......

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I don't really know what it is either 😂 I made it up
Aha !!!! OK, now I get it :bulb::bulb: .... very clever coining of a phrase. Or a word. Two words. I dont even know what Im saying anymore, but it was very clever ... and it apparently has left me tongue tied....
But what it means to me is when someone has the ability like a philosopher , poet , musician , comedian to tell a story about life in a really imaginative , creative , illuminating and captivating way ......
Now Im just flat-out embarrassed. In a good way. But embarrassed ..... definitely blushing. You know, in a good way :redface::redface::redface::redface::redface:....

I can't think of any time I've been more truly flattered and totally chuffed by a compliment, and I know that's an absolute fact, because I kept looking over my shoulder to see who you were talking to .... and now I can't think of a clever way to say thank you for that, so I'm just going to stammer off into the harsh lite of day and hope it doesnt kill me ....

Thank you from the dusty pit of what remains of my heart :heart: :hug::hug: .....


Senior Member

I was taught that when someone says something particularly nice to you, you thanked them, because kindness and generosity of spirit are not in such large supply that they can be ignored or taken for granted :bouquet::bouquet: :heart: ....
Interesting ...
My belief on it is if someone says something complimentary about something that I am I think it's important to feel it and not deflect by bouncing it making it about them .
It's part of my not people pleasing so much work . I used to say thank u a million times a day ....subservient style .
So now I might say something like ' oh that's nice .... Or smile or just feel it .
But yeah sometimes I say thanks 😉🌻

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
it's important to feel it and not deflect by bouncing it making it about them .
Hmmmm....interesting .... and here I thought I was just appreciating a kindness :):)....
I used to say thank u a million times a day ....subservient style .
I would imagine that's a hard habit to break ....
It's part of my not people pleasing so much work
Well, from where I stand, you're certainly holding your own :woot::woot: :thumbsup: !!!


Senior Member
I honestly do not give a ******** what " society" whatveer that is approves. If i have a skill, or a talent I use it. However small, For others AND also for my personal need for .... what is the word? DRAT! Not validations.. FULFILMENT.. Right now an dfor many years, that is knitting really intricate and beautiful items that sell to feed eg babies in India etc or my wide faith family in need.. Abed so much I CAN do this. Nothing airy fairy re any of this,,, filling a need with whatever we have.