There is up to $350,000 available in free money in the Vivint charity contest, which which requires a Facebook account to vote. Those of us trying to drum up support on the forums for the ME/CFS charities taking part have been puzzled by what seems to be a reluctance among many PWC to get themselves a Facebook account or to use their existing account to vote.
I think that Facebook raises some particular fears for PWC a fear of invasion of privacy, a fear of people trying to make demands of their time via Facebook, a fear that information on their Facebook page might be used against them or might indicate to the world that they have this stigmatised illness, a fear that an account will be impossible to set up and manage due to cognitive issues, and so on.
But I dont believe that these fears are well-founded. Id like to explain why not and invite anyone with any remaining concerns to comment and let people familiar with Facebook address those concerns in a spirit of help and support. :Retro smile:
And of course Id like everyone who has had their worries soothed to open a Facebook account and get voting in the Vivint contest! This is a small thing to do but with huge benefits for our community.
Ive got a Facebook account but Im scared that if I vote for an ME/CFS charity, people will see that on Facebook and Ill be outed
When you vote, there is a message just above the "vote" button asking if you want your vote announced on your Facebook wall. The default option is "yes" but you can just click it to "no thanks".
If you leave it on "yes", the message that appears for the WPI is:
or for the National ME/FM Action Network is:
So even if you have the message, theres nothing to show that you are ill, just that you are generous!
I've got a Facebook account and when I clicked "like" for Vivint as you have to, it said I had to give Vivint permission to access my info. What are they going to do with it?
A friend of mine got confirmation from Vivint that they use the "like" thing to track votes and to give voters the facility of easily sharing details of the contest but they won't do anything at all with your information - it's just that Facebook automatically imposes that message when you hit a "like" button and Vivint can't get rid of it.
Im scared that if I get a Facebook account, it will give away my private details
No problem! Dont put any private details on. If theres a field that requires a compulsory response, put a false one if you wish.
Dont even want your name on Facebook? Set up a new, free email account with Yahoo, Google, etc. in an assumed name and use the same name to set up a Facebook account. Its important that the names match because this is often checked for voting fraud. Dont open multiple accounts for yourself, though thats cheating and there are ways of detecting it.
Im worried that if friends and family see me on Facebook theyll start contacting me on it and Ill be overloaded
If youre using your real name Id suggest not listing your city or listing another city to avoid being uniquely identified and just ignore all attempted contact. No-one will know its you (unless your name is ultra-unusual, in which case consider the assumed name strategy. Anyone who is really important in your life already has your email! Doesnt matter to them or to you if you ignore them on Facebook.
What if someone posts something on my Facebook page that suggests that Im much more active than I really am and it loses me my disability benefits?
Only your Facebook friends can see messages from your other friends and only your friends can post on your Facebook page. To be a friend, someone has to send a friend request to you and you have to accept it. Just dont accept anyone as friends! Youre creating this account purely to vote.
Im sure I wont be able to get through the sign-up process, Im too brainfogged
If I did, anyone can! Sign up here.
So, what are you waiting for? No, seriously, what are you waiting for? Please tell us and see if we can help and/or reassure you!
I think that Facebook raises some particular fears for PWC a fear of invasion of privacy, a fear of people trying to make demands of their time via Facebook, a fear that information on their Facebook page might be used against them or might indicate to the world that they have this stigmatised illness, a fear that an account will be impossible to set up and manage due to cognitive issues, and so on.
But I dont believe that these fears are well-founded. Id like to explain why not and invite anyone with any remaining concerns to comment and let people familiar with Facebook address those concerns in a spirit of help and support. :Retro smile:
And of course Id like everyone who has had their worries soothed to open a Facebook account and get voting in the Vivint contest! This is a small thing to do but with huge benefits for our community.
When you vote, there is a message just above the "vote" button asking if you want your vote announced on your Facebook wall. The default option is "yes" but you can just click it to "no thanks".
If you leave it on "yes", the message that appears for the WPI is:
I just voted Whittemore Peterson Institute on the Vivint Gives Back Project. Vivint is giving away $1.25 million dollars to local charities and I want Whittemore Peterson Institute to win.
or for the National ME/FM Action Network is:
I just voted National ME/FM Action Network on the Vivint Gives Back Project. Vivint is giving away $1.25 million dollars to local charities and I want National ME/FM Action Network to win.
So even if you have the message, theres nothing to show that you are ill, just that you are generous!
A friend of mine got confirmation from Vivint that they use the "like" thing to track votes and to give voters the facility of easily sharing details of the contest but they won't do anything at all with your information - it's just that Facebook automatically imposes that message when you hit a "like" button and Vivint can't get rid of it.
No problem! Dont put any private details on. If theres a field that requires a compulsory response, put a false one if you wish.
Dont even want your name on Facebook? Set up a new, free email account with Yahoo, Google, etc. in an assumed name and use the same name to set up a Facebook account. Its important that the names match because this is often checked for voting fraud. Dont open multiple accounts for yourself, though thats cheating and there are ways of detecting it.
If youre using your real name Id suggest not listing your city or listing another city to avoid being uniquely identified and just ignore all attempted contact. No-one will know its you (unless your name is ultra-unusual, in which case consider the assumed name strategy. Anyone who is really important in your life already has your email! Doesnt matter to them or to you if you ignore them on Facebook.
Only your Facebook friends can see messages from your other friends and only your friends can post on your Facebook page. To be a friend, someone has to send a friend request to you and you have to accept it. Just dont accept anyone as friends! Youre creating this account purely to vote.
If I did, anyone can! Sign up here.
So, what are you waiting for? No, seriously, what are you waiting for? Please tell us and see if we can help and/or reassure you!