Eye strain - burning brain - Occipital pain. Is it all caused by neuropathy/nerve inflammation?


Senior Member
I would love ideas to what this can be.

I have immune mediated SFN and I suspect large nerve inflammation in both arms (ulnar nerve) as well as outter thighs and calfs.

I get terrible eye strain and pain when I exert my eyes too much from reading and other things where I have to move my eyes a lot. It also feels like my eyes are stiffening up. I strained my right eye two weeks ago and I can feel my right eye and right brain all the time now. Idk if thats whats going on but thats what it feels like. I "never" struggle with brain fog but after the last two weeks I cant even hold a conversation for 5 minutes before I get insane brainfog and my eyes starts squinting and burning again.

I also get pain in the occipital part of my brain/head and I can also have burning pain in my scalp/brain (It feels like its the top of my brain but Idk). It feels like someone has been scratching the top of my brain with a dry crisp old towel.

I have these symptoms all over my body and when the symptoms occur, worsens or gets triggered it is always in relation to inflamed nerves. Like for example the large nerves in my arms (ulnar nerve). I also struggle with muscle spasms and increased muscle tone that respond to baclofen but sadly it flares my neuropathy.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
as well as outter thighs and calfs.

I have some of this numbness crap. Outer right thigh matches outer right arm and outer right foot and outer right hand. (I used to blame this numb hand thing on the MOUSE) (but I think that was a mistake)

electronic devices do make all that feel much much worse.

I get terrible eye strain and pain

my eyes are a mess. and I've flunked getting help for it. I think they have improved some on my b-caryophylene experiment. (I'm using Copaiba Oil topically)

But this eye thing is tied to my brain, located nearby. It feels all hooked together with the weird electrical feeling that sort of is tinnitus but not quite.

I strained my right eye two weeks ago and I can feel my right eye and right brain all the time now

my right side is much more ill. So is my right eye.

I "never" struggle with brain fog

Consider yourself lucky there.

in the evening, my feet are numb. During the day, they usually aren't.
I have the burning brain. I also have light flashing sensations infront of my eyes (not migraines) and blurry stripes and dots. I also might have SFN.
Started when I relapsed.

If you ever find out what this is, please let us know. Im desperate as these symptoms are worsening for me.

I might try celebrex for brain inflammation but its all blind guessing. Cant go to the doctor.


Senior Member
I don't know what the burning brain thing is but I think it's an immune mediated thing with the nervous system, mine will usually flare around 5 PM a bit but it's not intense anymore. Various things have made it worse or better over the past year and I can't pinpoint any pattern as to what it might be. I get it largely in my forehead and top of my head. When it was at it's worst though it would even cover my ears. which never happens anymore even if I for example consume a lot of histamine.


Senior Member
I have the burning brain. I also have light flashing sensations infront of my eyes (not migraines) and blurry stripes and dots. I also might have SFN.
Started when I relapsed.

If you ever find out what this is, please let us know. Im desperate as these symptoms are worsening for me.

I might try celebrex for brain inflammation but its all blind guessing. Cant go to the doctor.
Could be something more serious, but I noticed most of my eye symptoms are due to dryness alone. I also have some form of SFN and maybe my eyes started to get more dry due to the autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Anyway, I found that omega-3 fish oil helps a little and just avoiding staring at a screen when it gets too bad.
I believe my eye pain and symptoms are due to intracranial hypertension, which could also cause a burning brain feeling. Not sure if it’s relevant to you but just an idea


Senior Member
around 4 pm, the awful feeling starts to win.

My brain feels more squeezed, and electrified, along with the ears. This backed off alot a few weeks ago but returned.
Yes this must be the same thing then. It's the most sharply triggered by EMF radiation exposure + too much thought processing. Here's a good one for you from today that shows how distinct normal tiredness and PEM is. I had some good comparisons to different types of PEM triggers because my life lately has also been extremely cluttered but with proper breaks in between and strictly managing sensory stimulation I was able to pull through.

This morning I actually felt pretty good and ready to take on the work I had lined up this morning. It was highly physical but brainless labor we were getting paid for, just cutting up a tree, clearing a yard, and running it to the dump. I was tired by the middle of it but able to keep going and even feel mentally good from the endorphins doing it and the sense of reward. When I finally got home I was sweating bullets and normal exhausted and slow. Once I took a shower and took a quick break I was actually alright. Here's where I was shown how bad my mental PEM truly is. I since I thought I could handle it for some reason just today (I fall for this one every time and I probably will again) decided to play a nice relaxing, dopamine rich game of video poker and then relax the rest of the day with music as I'm also going out later which now won't be as fun but I guess I'll still enjoy it cause good food.

At some point I suddenly hit the wall, it was like a switch was flipped in my brain and someone injected my brain with poison. The frontal forehead area of brain felt like it was overheating and it only got worse even after I stopped. Suddenly all senses I am taking in are unbearable. Listen to music? Dread. Go outside? Dread. Walk to the kitchen? Dread. My entire sensory experience is now coated in a layer of hysterical feeling subtle terror with a side of electrical pressure in the head/inner ears and burning all over my face. When I went outside to test how I felt in the state compared to normally before the difference was striking. I couldn't process anything around me properly and avoiding still branches on a path was near impossible with how clumsy and stupid I got. It was as if my brain couldn't even make the correct calculations to work out how walking worked. Just being outside around people sky rocketed my anxiety into oblivion whereas before I was feeling quite social and didn't mind anymore. I luckily stopped right when I realized how badly I had screwed up before it progressed further but wow it's amazing how distinct this is from normal exhaustion.

Apparently working all morning in blazing summer heat is fun and rewarding for my brain. Relaxing and making too many quick decisions with EMF exposure from repetitive mouse presses for a while? The end of the world is near, we will not see another day. Cancel everything, life is over. /sarcasm

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
are due to intracranial hypertension
I brought that up to my worthless eye doctor. He dismissed it out of hand. Didn't examine me at all.

Eventually I got to ask the head of the eye clinic, why nobody would help me. I need to go to UCLA, he said.

What is this BS?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Suddenly all senses I am taking in are unbearable. Listen to music? Dread. Go outside? Dread. Walk to the kitchen? Dread. My entire sensory experience is now coated in a layer of hysterical feeling subtle terror with a side of electrical pressure in the head/inner ears and burning all over my face
entirely understand THAT. I"d maybe exchange burning face with chemical poisoning of every cell.

I couldn't process anything around me properly and avoiding still branches on a path was near impossible with how clumsy and stupid I got.
During my 2019 mega crash, I helped my husband at the laundromat. Only I could not even lift a towel.

Walking back to the car, I came around the corner of a small shed and a young man walked right into me.

He cursed me out for not "getting out of his way". I had no ability to control my body, let alone "move out of the way". And I was about 69 and he was about 30. Very very rude young man.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
t's the most sharply triggered by EMF radiation exposure + too much thought processing.

There are two things left in life:

1) maybe distracting myself with some story, or information or brief chat exchange.

2) staring at beige walls and ceilings while doing nothing, day after day.

but I know thinking is costing me big time.
In the past it has felt like my eyes and the eye brain connection are the source of all my issues. Many times the tiredness is just in my eyes and brain, but as you use both things for all things in your body it's effects everything anyway.

I have this 24/7 pain on my nose bridge and forehead and had it non stop for over 4 years. It sucks and I already seen several eye specialists, neurologists and ENTs. I had second opinions on all of them. They are useless.

I've been reading about Ocular Myasthenia Gravis, which I should definitely have checked out (I have one droopy eye, vision issues, pain etc). And while as far as I know didn't have Covid, the following remark from this (article)[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9911903/] is interesting:
There are recent reports of new-onset OMG cases developing shortly after covid-19 infection or after receiving the covid-vaccine
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Senior Member
There are two things left in life:

1) maybe distracting myself with some story, or information or brief chat exchange.

2) staring at beige walls and ceilings while doing nothing, day after day.

but I know thinking is costing me big time.

Sorry for the long response time here, basically what I've been doing since I clearly can't do much without this overload happening is getting really deep into active meditation. Trying to access that stillness as much as I can in daily life and while I'm sitting here not doing much. I'm still trying to dissect exactly what triggers what but after every crash I learn more about the patterns. What's interesting about it is different triggers mentally will feel somewhat different even though the symptoms are all variations of the same thing.

Like last night I listened to a lot of music, I was on a listening spree with a lot of extreme metal. The whole bliss of it lasted for a while but as the evening went on it started feeling more and more dull. I felt a familiar heaviness setting in and it's signature malaise feeling so I stopped. It lasted the rest of the night and I didn't sleep too great and in the morning when I tried to listen to more music even if it was just quiet ambient the same thing would happen in just minutes and the feeling would prolong itself. Like right now I'm sitting with it and a bit of dizziness/nausea but I don't from sound over exposure appear to get the burning head/face thing. It triggers intense fatigue, malaise, nausea, and dizziness specifically every time with a vague headachy feeling. It's morbidly fascinating.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
It's morbidly fascinating.
yes, often it is. We are like captured by Mystery Theatre. We have starring roles.

Trying to access that stillness as much as I can in daily life and while I'm sitting here not doing much.

Despite my comment, I do spend quite a bit of time being fairly centered and quiet, able to enjoy a little visit out in the yard, a bird landing, some insects flying past. I can turn it all off and just be quiet for reasonable amounts of time.

I think I"m the most proud of not feeling terribly ripped off by my current lack of ability to go out and do much.

I know I"m extremely fortunate: that I managed to have alot of adventures and a career, even tho I had this depreciating crap. (that got worse, probably from stress).

I was on a listening spree with a lot of extreme metal.
mostly, my musical tastes do go back to things like, of course, Jethro Tull is heavy metal. It's the oddest thing that I happen to own the Tull album which won that heavy metal grammy, in stead of Metalica. I wish I had a Metallica album.

- I can tolerate more music than a few years back. Timing helps (not in the daytime, usually, not too long). I remember being so ME-sick or PEM ridden, and I just laid on my sofa and played the entire Fragile Yes. The whole thing was like I was in a dream. I hadn't play a record in 20 years it seemed (since I had Cds)


Senior Member
yes, often it is. We are like captured by Mystery Theatre. We have starring roles.

Despite my comment, I do spend quite a bit of time being fairly centered and quiet, able to enjoy a little visit out in the yard, a bird landing, some insects flying past. I can turn it all off and just be quiet for reasonable amounts of time.

I think I"m the most proud of not feeling terribly ripped off by my current lack of ability to go out and do much.

I know I"m extremely fortunate: that I managed to have alot of adventures and a career, even tho I had this depreciating crap. (that got worse, probably from stress).

mostly, my musical tastes do go back to things like, of course, Jethro Tull is heavy metal. It's the oddest thing that I happen to own the Tull album which won that heavy metal grammy, in stead of Metalica. I wish I had a Metallica album.

- I can tolerate more music than a few years back. Timing helps (not in the daytime, usually, not too long). I remember being so ME-sick or PEM ridden, and I just laid on my sofa and played the entire Fragile Yes. The whole thing was like I was in a dream. I hadn't play a record in 20 years it seemed (since I had Cds)

Yesterday was pure torment, this morning I'm feeling really down but not severe as yesterday. The only idea I have is that there is a viral infection hiding in the nerves themselves and too much neural activation causes an outbreak in areas central to the activation causing really specific symptoms after certain exposures to occur. I think the only thing I have left to even try is actual antiviral medication rounds and my life right now is too shaky to take many risks at the moment so I'm just waiting things out here trying not to fall into deep moderate.

I have only reached severe once thankfully and good thing I had a family member who was able to help me through. Thankfully I only get there if I really mess up, like at the time I was in full party mode. I thought if I just kept pushing I'd be fine and so much of this was in my head. Boy was a mistaken when I fell so deep into it that I was bed and chair bound for 2 months and very slowly started to climb out. That's when it was really hammered into my head I have serious problems. I am fortunate that before the past couple years I did at least more than I have been doing with somewhat less consequences but honestly this has been progressive throughout my whole life and only really hit hard after my body couldn't handle the work environment properly in my mid-20's and it was all downhill from there. Right out of high school is when I had no choice but to start supplementing because without that my body couldn't function anymore. Saved me for a while but now it only just keeps me alive and I can only seem to get better through aggressive control over what I do. Like before this probably less than a week ago before this "woops" moment I had reached the tip of mild and then thought I was just fine followed of course by being wrong again because I never learn.

Tolerance is very strange from what I've been noticing. I dug around on the internet yesterday and experiences are all over the place. Some people can tolerate some sensory experiences just fine while others crash from just a little of it. There was a report of someone who was bed bound but can listen to loud music all the time with no issues. The same person though could watch a show for too long and have a mental crash that lasts a week. With me timing and intensity seems to matter the most. I can listen to a lot more music if it's just ambient but once things get too vibrate-y and intense like loud rock or metal that's where I strictly gotta control how much I take in. Luckily I have an alright window when I'm near the mild bridge as long as I don't go over 3-4 albums a day. I feel like that is the trend with me because this didn't happen when I listened to a few spread out through the day but when I listened to a lot of intense music 3+ albums deep on end. Like I said up there if the viruses hiding in nerve endings hypothesis is true this all makes a lot more sense now with the weird variation of tolerances in people across the board even though everyone at the most severe ends up in the same position.

The trend with my worst triggers is direct assault on the nerve endings themselves. While say a intense spike of activity followed by PEM which isn't a persistent activation of the nervous system like sound or EMF radiation in the sense of my POIS for example causes the same umbrella of symptoms but more traditionally flu like, generalized, and is easier/smooth to climb out of. This is also probably why physical activity without thought is the least damaging to me, the mechanical operation of my legs and arms only comes into play when PEM spreads to those systems from other triggers in my case. The viral infections probably just didn't heavily cluster where the mechanical movements of those are taking place. In the case of someone who can watch a lot of shows but can't listen to more than an album if that a day, they probably have infections clustered in the auditory processing systems more heavily then the visual but too much thinking in both cases will cause widespread activation and cross intolerance the worst they get. You also see this sometimes where someone can mindlessly watch youtube throughout the day but when they put on a more mentally taxing TV show problems arise.
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Senior Member
I would love ideas to what this can be.

I have immune mediated SFN and I suspect large nerve inflammation in both arms (ulnar nerve) as well as outter thighs and calfs.

I get terrible eye strain and pain when I exert my eyes too much from reading and other things where I have to move my eyes a lot. It also feels like my eyes are stiffening up. I strained my right eye two weeks ago and I can feel my right eye and right brain all the time now. Idk if thats whats going on but thats what it feels like. I "never" struggle with brain fog but after the last two weeks I cant even hold a conversation for 5 minutes before I get insane brainfog and my eyes starts squinting and burning again.

I also get pain in the occipital part of my brain/head and I can also have burning pain in my scalp/brain (It feels like its the top of my brain but Idk). It feels like someone has been scratching the top of my brain with a dry crisp old towel.

I have these symptoms all over my body and when the symptoms occur, worsens or gets triggered it is always in relation to inflamed nerves. Like for example the large nerves in my arms (ulnar nerve). I also struggle with muscle spasms and increased muscle tone that respond to baclofen but sadly it flares my neuropathy.
I have sfn as well and dryness of the eyes.
I have to work from home and have to work with a computer. I can not sleep good at night. I grind my teeth while I sleep. night guard do nothing.
those are contributing factors for me .
how do you sleep? do you have any other issues? do you have night time bruxism do you grind your teeth?
last of all do you have any root canals in your teeth?
answer of your question is most probably. however in my case occipital nerve pain is from bruxism eye strain might be both sfn and lots of time spending on computer


Senior Member
may be unrelated to the post. this what ai replied to me according my symptoms.

long time sick. cannot walk more than 15 minutes . whole body pain burning in feet legs and body. what could be my disease or syndrome

Persistent whole-body pain, burning sensations in the feet and legs, and difficulty walking more than 15 minutes could be indicative of several conditions. Some possibilities include:
  1. Fibromyalgia: This condition causes widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and tenderness in specific areas of the body. Burning sensations and difficulty with physical activity are common symptoms.
  2. Peripheral Neuropathy: Damage to peripheral nerves can cause burning, tingling, and pain in the extremities. Diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, or other underlying conditions may contribute to peripheral neuropathy.
  3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): Characterized by profound fatigue, pain, and other symptoms that worsen with physical or mental activity and do not improve with rest.
  4. Multiple Sclerosis (MS): MS can lead to a range of symptoms including muscle pain, burning sensations, and difficulties with movement.
  5. Rheumatoid Arthritis or Other Autoimmune Disorders: These conditions can cause joint pain, stiffness, and fatigue, potentially affecting mobility.
  6. Vascular Issues: Poor circulation or venous insufficiency can lead to pain, heaviness, and burning sensations in the legs.
  7. Depression or Anxiety Disorders: Chronic pain and difficulty with physical activity can sometimes be exacerbated by mental health conditions.
A thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional is necessary to diagnose the exact cause. They may perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and possibly order tests to determine the underlying issue and develop an appropriate treatment plan


Senior Member
I would love ideas to what this can be.

I have immune mediated SFN and I suspect large nerve inflammation in both arms (ulnar nerve) as well as outter thighs and calfs.

I get terrible eye strain and pain when I exert my eyes too much from reading and other things where I have to move my eyes a lot. It also feels like my eyes are stiffening up. I strained my right eye two weeks ago and I can feel my right eye and right brain all the time now. Idk if thats whats going on but thats what it feels like. I "never" struggle with brain fog but after the last two weeks I cant even hold a conversation for 5 minutes before I get insane brainfog and my eyes starts squinting and burning again.

I also get pain in the occipital part of my brain/head and I can also have burning pain in my scalp/brain (It feels like its the top of my brain but Idk). It feels like someone has been scratching the top of my brain with a dry crisp old towel.

I have these symptoms all over my body and when the symptoms occur, worsens or gets triggered it is always in relation to inflamed nerves. Like for example the large nerves in my arms (ulnar nerve). I also struggle with muscle spasms and increased muscle tone that respond to baclofen but sadly it flares my neuropathy.
Blue light.