Info from my health notes file.
Note: None of this is medical advice. I'm just passing on information collected on various internet forums. What you do with the information is up to you.
Treating a yeast infection
* Keep the area dry. Consider limiting dairy. No sugary foods.
* It may be a PH imbalance, see below.
* Rotate through these 3-4 treatments (4-5 days each, 2-3 times per day) until the infection has been gone for 30 days (to make sure it's all gone). Rotating avoids breeding resistent organisms.
* Don't stop the treatment once the itching stops, keep going to make sure the infection is gone.
* Some treatments don't work for everyone, or work at one time but not another; experiment.
Itching: ACV is great for reducing itching (after the initial burning sensation.)
* Apple Cider Vinegar - May burn, can try diluting, quickly helps reduce itching. Drying, so use coconut oil after to moisturize.
a) Apply to a cloth or tampon and apply.
b) Bath - add one cup to bath water and soak for 30 minutes. A reduced amount of bath water may work better so it doesn't dilute the vinegar as much.
* Boric acid. Don't eat it, don't inhale it, don't touch it. It balances the PH level of the vagina.
Important note: "Make sure that you DO NOT swallow these or put touch it with bare skin. And when inserting, make sure that you push them up as high as you can. Boric acid is after all, an acid.
The vagina is the only place that you can do this because normally it's pH is acidic. That's why boric acid vaginal suppositories work. I decided to make my own from a recipe I found from someone else's review on vaginal suppositories because they're so much more cheaper when you make them yourself. Just remember to wear gloves and don't inhale the powder!"
a) Make a paste with coconut oil and apply. Can also chill or freeze into a suppository for easy insertion and relief via cooling.
b) Fill two 00 gelatin capsules (while wearing gloves) and insert into the vagina. May cause a burning feeling. Try with coconut oil first.
Comment: "Used this mixed with raw organic cocoa butter to make vaginal suppositories to get rid of yeast infections and BV because I'm highly prone to them. Worked like a charm with no irritation or crazy side effects.
* Iodine - internal and external. Mix a drop with coconut oil and apply. Iodine is drying so the coconut oil helps to moisturize the area.
* Yogurt (plain) - eaten, and applied. Helps to restore beneficial micro-organisms.
or a probiotic that contains acidophilus - eaten and applied.
* Garlic - eaten and applied. Take a clove fresh 1-2 times per day.
* Coconut oil - natural anti-fungal, eat a teaspoon with eat meal, and apply directly.
* Colloidal silver gel - applied.
* Oils: tea tree (aka melaleuca), lavender, oregano, cinnamon - dilute and apply directly. May cause a burning sensation.
* Grapefruit seed extract - dilute and apply.
* Potassium sorbate - make a paste and apply. It's used to stop the growth of yeast when making beer.
* Hydrogen peroxide - some dilute it 50/50, some use it straight (might depend on the HO percent.)
Treat the PH imbalance with ACV, from a comment on
I suffered for years with vaginal yeast infections. I was convinced it was sugar related. Then, in solidarity with my hubby who has gout, I started to DRINK 2 teaspoons ACV at night before bed (mixed in 1/2 cup water). This cured me!!!! I have since found out that the PH of my body was off due to too much caffeine and stress. We focus sometimes too much on curing the symptoms, when the PH balance of the whole body is the answer.
Useful method for women, from EarthClinic:
1) Melt 2T coconut oil
2) Add 4 drops each tea tree and lavender essential oils
3) Mix well
4) Pour into silicone stick shaped or bullet shaped molds
5) Freeze (20 mins)
The resulting sticks can be inserted into the vagina which is both soothing and helps to treat the infection. A pad or paper towel will be necessary for awhile to absorb melting oil.
Potential treatments (not cures) for oral and vaginal herpes
From Mary Jo Fahey's Iodine book:
In his iodine article on his Tahoma Clinic Web site, Dr. Wright relays a story about iodine’s ability to inactivate the herpes virus:
" Herpes simplex (herpes) outbreaks can be stopped cold, but it often takes longer for the sore to heal itself over."
He explains that using SSKI mixed 50-50 with Dimethyl sulfox-
ide (DMSO) works better, as the DMSO enables SSKI to penetrate much more deeply into the tissues and kill germs.
From an interview with Lynne Farrow (author of The Iodine Crisis):
People have written to me saying that they haven't had a herpes outbreak since they were on iodine.
From grizz on CureZone:
I suggest using Colloidal Silver for your herpes problem.
Colloidal Silver kills all bacteria, virus & fungus safely and without side effects. Apply Colloidal Silver topically to your herpes breakouts. You can make a CS Salve by mixing it with aloe vera. (or spray it on your breakouts)
Also take CS internally to fight the herpes virus. I suggest 20ppm Colloidal Silver. If it is not available locally, you can get a generator to make your own. CS is better than antibiotics to kill off bacteria & virus.
See complete details here:
Testimonials are at the end of the above report.
More testimonials:
From Learner1 on PR:
Not sure anyone can fully recover from one of these understanding is they'll always be there, ready to pounce again if immune function is compromised.
That said, I know other patients who've been through artesunate treatment, in combination with other antiviral strategies and nutritional support who have beaten HHV-6 back to pretty much nil and gone on with their lives.
Re. Oral Herpes from Athene on PR:
Are you taking lysine for your herpes virus? I take 3 grammes a day and it keeps it fully under control. When I first got herpes it was systemic, and attacked my liver and heart, as well as filling my whole oesophagus and mouth with sores. I've had several life-threatening illnesses and this was certainly one of them. After the initial crisis passed, I spent several years having several sores at a time on my lips and my throat, constantly, and occasional mild lesions on my liver (I don't know how many but they were found by chance twice in scans). I found out about Lysine ten years ago and since then I've had not more than 4 cold sores.
Your immune system uses lysine to fight the herpes virus, and the virus itself uses arginine to reproduce itself. If you make sure you always consume more lysine than arginine, you are ensuring your immune system has the upper hand. There's a whole diet you can follow, but I prefer to just use a supplement to tip the balance in my favour, because following the diet means cutting out a whole load of foods which are packed with all kinds of nutrition.
@Kina Please let me know if this post breaks any guidelines even though I've added a disclaimer at the top.