Evening psychological discomfort: only food helps

I want to discuss with you one strange problem of mine (among other problems). I think many people with CFS or depression have this.

Every evening I have to spend time eating several hours, otherwise I don’t find a place for myself, I feel psychological discomfort, I feel bad and I can’t finish the day to brush my teeth and fall asleep. It started from the very beginning of my CFS+depression for about 14 years and continues to this day (for reference, I do not have excess weight, my thyroid gland is normal and I do not have diabetes). I have to eat even if not hungry!

During this period, I had several occasions when I could finish the day without eating. Some of them were the result of a lot of attention that I received from pleasant people (I had an interesting time with them). Others were associated with the adoption of antidepressants (unfortunately, I can not use either one or the other, because no one needs a 34-year-old child to communicate, and antidepressants turn me into a vegetable).

This suggests the mental or brain nature of the problem. And, perhaps, from this it is possible to extract useful information: what disturbances in the brain can this indicate?
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Senior Member
I'm afraid I don't know very much about the technical workings of the brain @yurybx But I am sure someone here may have an idea.
But it does sound rather like you are seeking comfort of some kind?
There may or may not be a pharmaceutical answer to that....or soul searching/detective work?

Could it be a form of loneliness or even boredom? As you say when you spent time with pleasant people, you didn't feel that sense of unease?

You are rather like me -that you can eat whatever you wish and not gain any weight !
I also do a lot of eating in the evening. Have a good dinner, and then nibble on little things like nuts and chocolate. In my case I do believe it's more of an energy deficit thing though as I am usually quite tired out in the evening and am sure I probably don't eat enough in the day. (two meals a day)
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@Wolfcub, I am really alone: I have no girlfriend and no friends with whom I could spend my leisure time. But years later, I realize that my loneliness is not the primary problem: it is only a consequence of how my mind works. For example, I can not communicate with friends because of the constant fatigue and discomfort. The evening spent with friends exhausts me, and I can’t sleep for a while after that, my digestive problems worsen, and the next day I feel terrible. So I am sure: the root cause of my problems is in my head. In particular, I have the feeling that my brain lacks energy. And so far I have not found a solution.


Senior Member
Yes socialising exhausts me too. Okay if for a really short time and I have a good rapport with the person. But it's a fast energy drain for me. I hear you. I bear it, but it takes its toll on my mind and body and sleep too. I often can't sleep if there's been too much socialising.
Internet socialising doesn't have that effect!
I hope you find some help and answers here @yurybx