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EMRB - Enzymatically modified rice bran


Has anybody try this and have good results raising the NK activity??? I am surprised I never came across here if that is like the main issue on CFS. I am trying to increase my levels.


EMRB Boosts NK Cell Activity In Just Two Days!
An especially promising early animal study demonstrated the power of EMRB for boosting NK cell activity. When old mice with age-related reduction of NK function were injected with EMRB, they showed a greater than five-fold increase in NK cell activity within just two days of treatment.46 The enhanced NK activity in this study also resulted in increased binding of NK cells to target tissues and boosted the amounts of cell-killing chemicals inside each cell.
Human Studies Prove EMRB’s Benefits
Human studies on supplementation with EMRB are equally impressive.

When a group of 20 healthy adult men and women were supplemented with EMRB for 60 days, with either a dose of 1,000 mg/day or 3,000 mg/day, NK cell activity in both groups jumped by approximately 35% in the first week.12

A similar effect was shown in another study when a lower dose of 500 mg/day of enzymatically modified rice bran was given to healthy subjects between 45 and 55 years old. With EMRB supplementation, all participants experienced a significant three-fold enhancement of NK activity in just three to four weeks—with no side effects.60


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I'll try to remember to look for it while you look into it. I have a few I used sup piles. In fact will look now.

The ones I have are the 500 mg with selenium.