I found this site talking about electrolyte drinks for people with CFS. One of the things mentioned is:
"Why electrolytes? Electrolytes are salts. FMS/CFS [Fibromyalgia Syndrome/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome] patients are often low in salt and often that lucky part of the population that can enjoy a high salt diet. Your physician can perform electrolyte testing to make sure you are in this percentage group. If you are, electrolyte drinks will
Improve the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood and
Give you relief from fatigue and muscle pain."
And another is:
Note: Please read the section Nutrition: Water: Too Much Water before deciding to try the recommendation below.
Also, you may want to consider that most rehydration drinks alone are not commonly considered to be an ideal breakfast. Most people recommend consuming a breakfast that contains complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber.
Drinking Electrolyte Liquids, Treating Orthostatic Intolerance:
"To counteract the symptoms of low blood volume many CFS/FMS specialists including: Cheney, Bell, and Streeten, recommend drinking one quart (950 ml or 32 US fluid ounces) of an electrolyte solution [e.g Gatorade] daily on an empty stomach.
There are more medications to treat orthostatic intolerance, but if drinking electrolyte liquids help part of the problem, it is a subject worth exploring with your physician."
Is electrolyte testing a pretty routine thing? If I go to my doctor and ask for it, will he think I'm a nutter?
Is a litre of electrolyte drink first thing really a good recommendation? It seems a heck of a lot (I don't think I could drink a litre of anything straight off).
I'd like to find some info written by a doctor for other doctors if possible, or by a CFS specialist for patients, so that I can show my doctor something that he'll find credible.
Aagh, so many things to learn about!