Dysbiosis die off and questions

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Having listened to my last naturopath, which I dumped and he was happy for me doing so because I would not follow his protocol because I was becoming too sick, I have started to try my own protocol.

Yesterday I took diflucan. I was aching unbelievably. Aching, exhaustion, no appetite and just feeling horrible. I took milk thistle, I also took Methylfolate. However you spell it. Anyway, I slept last night only to wake up exhausted and sick today with die off. Diarrhea as soon as I woke up. I will take charcoal later.

My question is this....how do you do this? To me, the die off is extreme and I couldn't do this everyday. I was told to never take oregano because it kills all bacteria, good and bad, so I haven't.

I had to rally and take my mom to the lawyers today, drive, etc. It was so hard and I could not wait to get home to put on my pj's and climb into bed.

So, how do you do this die off, without killing yourself and making yourself sicker and having some kind of break so that you can have a life and not get too sick? I feel so much better when I don't try to kill anything off and I just live as normally as I can with a chronic illness, which isn't so normal at all.

But, doing something like this, puts me under. Also, I took Interfase and whenever I take a biofilm killer, I itch like a madwoman. I feel like if I don't do anything, I will never get better and the whole food allergy situation is huge for me. I am doing this for the fibro, the brain fog and to just hope to feel better, but who knows if it will even work.


Be Strong!
I love diflucan. I don't get die off, just my mood turned happy, my cognitive issues go away, but nothing to my energy.


Senior Member
the die off i have comes by way of energy medicine. i know ill have a die if i have a deep delta state relaxation. a day later im trembling and a little light-headed. then a few days pass, generally with a day of feeling hyper and then a deep relaxation will follow that. and so on. because it comes by way of my body relaxing only that much is "killed", or balanced, in the dysbiosis according to how much stronger you've become. so the die off is never too much. that said it can make you feel yuck but your body can't really kill more than its able to eliminate. you need some quiet and space for all that.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I've been on an intensive program of coffee enema detox for 4 months. I realize this is not for everyone, but as I'm not employed, this has become my "full-time" job. I'm doing enemas 4 days on, 2 days off. I've found that if I use an array of aminos, anti-histamine, and anti-ammonia/sulfur supps during and following the process, I've not been suffering die-off symptoms. I'm using a biofilm-busting oil during these days. I'm feeling incrementally better after each series. Possibly even a single coffee enema might get rid of some of your toxicity. Best to you, ahmo

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
@ahmo I used to do coffee enemas. I am not opposed to them as I still do regular enemas when needed. I like to clean out! The biofilm supplement I am on makes me itch, or whatever it's doing or killing is causing me to itch, unsure.