I wish I had seen your post earlier. I saw a Dr Sharma in the late 1990's. He was terrible. I wonder if it is the same one?
Hope it works out for you. It takes so much energy to try to find a new doctor and then to discover they don't really care and/or don't know what they are talking about and don't care to learn.
yes.Interesting. First name Rajendra? I'm sorry you had terrible experiences either way!
I'd add some sort of policing corps for frauds, with something like Gorilla glue and feathering when they're discovered .....I wish there was a proper test and proper specialist for this illness
Thanks for this. It really is mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting. I think I went in a bit too naively, just finally excited to find someone who supposedly understands this illness, to be completely let down and made to feel worse.
The various guru's, Wesley's, and other questionable sources of help really count on that for a continuing income stream .... nothing's easier to manipulate and gaslight than the desperate and fearful, which is why I find those 'experts' and guru's so contemptible ...I never did continue with him after a very belittling experience and not quite sure how I was contemplating staying, it was just a very desperate time as I'm sure many here get.
@livinglighter thanks for this. I had an assessment with Dr Gabrielle Murphy last year, which was also terrible! It's only more recently that I've learnt she was part of the PACE trial, so the incompetence I found when meeting her kind of made sense. It was truly such a bizarre consultation. I've been trying to get referred to a neurologist for a while, so your post was helpful, thank you.
Oh god, me too with Dr Murphy..... A very sketchy doctor indeed. Anyone part of PACE trial HAS to be avoided following my experience with her.
I’m going to PM you as I’m curious as to what happens with the people she actually does meet.
Here in the UK ME has been ring fenced by the biopsychosocial approach in the NHS. It’s probably best to research the many dysfunctions to try to isolate conditions or similar conditions to receive any help.
Going private and having a ME specialist doctor explain what ME is to your GP may help for this approach to be done on the NHS. A few may also be able to help with access to further support as well.