Hi, all.
At a recent conference in New York, Dr. Richard Horowitz (best known as a specialist in treating Lyme disease) gave a talk about his concept of MSIDS: "Multi-system Infectious Disease Syndrome."
I think this is a very good talk. I continue to hear from people who have been carrying an ME/CFS diagnosis for some years, and then find that they have Lyme disease and its coinfections. I think it is important for everyone in the ME/CFS community to be alert to this possibility. Dr. Horowitz discusses the symptoms and his diagnostic approach to MSIDS, as well as treatment.
His talk begins at about 23 minutes, 50 seconds into the second window ("Morning session") at this website:
Best regards,
At a recent conference in New York, Dr. Richard Horowitz (best known as a specialist in treating Lyme disease) gave a talk about his concept of MSIDS: "Multi-system Infectious Disease Syndrome."
I think this is a very good talk. I continue to hear from people who have been carrying an ME/CFS diagnosis for some years, and then find that they have Lyme disease and its coinfections. I think it is important for everyone in the ME/CFS community to be alert to this possibility. Dr. Horowitz discusses the symptoms and his diagnostic approach to MSIDS, as well as treatment.
His talk begins at about 23 minutes, 50 seconds into the second window ("Morning session") at this website:
Best regards,