Dr. Richard Horowitz's talk on "Multi-system Infectious Disease Syndrome"


Senior Member
Hi, all.

At a recent conference in New York, Dr. Richard Horowitz (best known as a specialist in treating Lyme disease) gave a talk about his concept of MSIDS: "Multi-system Infectious Disease Syndrome."

I think this is a very good talk. I continue to hear from people who have been carrying an ME/CFS diagnosis for some years, and then find that they have Lyme disease and its coinfections. I think it is important for everyone in the ME/CFS community to be alert to this possibility. Dr. Horowitz discusses the symptoms and his diagnostic approach to MSIDS, as well as treatment.

His talk begins at about 23 minutes, 50 seconds into the second window ("Morning session") at this website:


Best regards,



Senior Member
Thanks Rich, it's a great presentation.
I've been using his model of the illness (learnt from another of his presentations some time ago) which helped me make progress when I was stuck. He's one of the few doctors who understands and differentiates between illness drivers and secondary effects and symptoms.
If you replace Borrelia for any other major infection at the centre of the model it can probably help a lot of CFS patients also.
The word co-infections seems relative to me. Each and everyone of those mentioned in the talk could be "co-" to something else as, outside classic Lyme, nobody seems to know what's really driving what.
Perhaps that's a reason why wide-spectrum treatments such as GcMAF, in conjunction with other, seem to help a few of us.

K2 for Hope

ALways Hoping
Jacksonville, FL 32258
Thanks, Rich.

I just sent the link to my Dr (Internist practicing Holistic Approach) who asked me first thing if I had been tested for Lyme's Disease as he believes that is the basis of the many issues. I was tested once per whatever test is covered by insurance, but tested negative. After listening to the presentation, I'm beginning to agree to this approach and that I might really be positive.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
Please be very careful and deligent in inspecting your self if you go in the woods, near a wooded area or even the yard. In the last 3 weeks I have removed 4 very, very small ticks from my brother. He is alittle on the heavy side and 3 of the ticks were at least 3/4 of their body embedded under his skin. They will never get completly embedded as they will die if they don't have some skin surface exposed at least that's what I have been told). I had to use a razor blade to slit the skin over one to make sure I got the entire tick. I did cover one completely with clear fingernail polish and it was dead within a day. The only reason he even knew he had the first couple was the location they attached started to itch pretty significantly. I urged to go to his doctor as there as some that wil go ahead and give a round of doxycycline and not even worry about the test at that point. He has never had to take very many antibiotics as he is healthy (he doesn't have CFS like me). Please keep a check!


Senior Member
North Carolina
I was fortunate enough to have Dr. Horowitz as my doctor...I saw him along with his assistants. I was actually treated successfully but have now relapsed. I believe the co-infection Bartonella has returned or else I have permanent damage.
My husband has found several ticks on his arms just over the weekend. They are very tiny and hard to see but we are very careful when outside. He was just out in the yard.....not even walking in any woods. My neighbor has actually had 2 tick rashes this year already so I am extremely careful when I go out....

I want to add that my Lyme test was not positive but I wasn't tested until 2 years into this illness. I had a few IND bands but Dr. Horowitz treats by symptoms and I had many....


Senior Member
Just popped in - multi system infectious disease sounds very likely to me. But what has hit the immune system to allow multi infections to appear one wonders. (Normally under control). ??
I've been clipping away at Horowitz' book "Why Can't I get Better..." On Lyme & MSIDS although I had to push myself to read yet another book concerning why I feel like crap, I dutifully plodded through Horowitz' book (boy am I glad I did). The chapter on Meditation made the authors intentions clear to me: Dr Horowitz IS FOLLOWING HIS CALLING. Yes, yes the information which he provides is priceless but underneath it all is a connectedness with humanity that his spiritual practice apparently helps to keep at the forefront of his intentions. I wish for all of us that more doctors would read Horowitz' book, take up mindfulness training, or whatever will contribute to practicing medicine from a grounded integral/holistic place. Look, I'm not woo-woo new age positive thinking attract me some whatever. The SANENESS in (MD's and patients alike) looking at our symptoms from a Holistic vantage point rather than calling out a diagnosis ASAP, just makes a lot of sense. Personally, I'm focusing my research :Don MSIDS while looking for cross-over information on FIBRO, M.E. This book has confirmed my suspicions that by setting out a wider net, I'm not limiting myself to antivirals. To think i didn't want to read this book:eek: !
I've been clipping away at Horowitz' book "Why Can't I get Better..." On Lyme & MSIDS although I had to push myself to read yet another book concerning why I feel like crap, I dutifully plodded through Horowitz' book (boy am I glad I did). The chapter on Meditation made the authors intentions clear to me: Dr Horowitz IS FOLLOWING HIS CALLING. Yes, yes the information which he provides is priceless but underneath it all is a connectedness with humanity that his spiritual practice apparently helps to keep at the forefront of his intentions. I wish for all of us that more doctors would read Horowitz' book, take up mindfulness training, or whatever will contribute to practicing medicine from a grounded integral/holistic place. Look, I'm not woo-woo new age positive thinking attract me some whatever. The SANENESS in (MD's and patients alike) looking at our symptoms from a Holistic vantage point rather than calling out a diagnosis ASAP, just makes a lot of sense. Personally, I'm focusing my research :Don MSIDS while looking for cross-over information on FIBRO, M.E. This book has confirmed my suspicions that by setting out a wider net, I'm not limiting myself to antivirals. To think i didn't want to read this book:eek: !


Senior Member
Just received this notification from a Lyme support group and thought I'd post it here for those interested.

"Dr. Horowitz will be on the Today Show tomorrow morning - Wednesday, July 2nd at 10:38 a.m. on NBC. He will talk about chronic Lyme disease. Please share this information."