Of course even "important" people get themselves and their children vaccinated, so why should there be a smear campaign? Aren't we all at equal risk?
In a perfect world, then yes, everyone would look at the evidence objectively, with intellectual curiosity, in order to ascertain the truth in order to help humanity.
But, as we have seen many times throughout history, there are always other forces at play, other than human altruistic feelings and compassion.
When there is big money involved (e.g. billions upon billions of dollars in the pharma industry), and careers and reputations at stake, then science and truth can be twisted and distorted in order to achieve certain ends.
Obviously, I hope that I'm wrong about my concerns, but when it comes to vaccines, I believe that governments might become very defensive, and
choose to only look at the research that shows that XMRV is a contaminant. Many scientists are already doing this, and
declaring that XMRV research was a "false dawn".
Some scientists have declared that there is no XMRV, and then that XMRV is a contaminant, and then that XMRV is not associated with CFS. They declare this when, in their own studies, they are unable to detect XMRV. Instead of having a scientific intellectual curiosity, to get to the bottom of the differences, and do everything they can to find the truth, they simply declare that the WPI's work is contaminated, and that XMRV is not associated with CFS, for which they have no actual evidence.
Obviously, in a perfect world, there would be nothing to worry about. But I do worry about government becoming defensive about the XMRV research, especially when there are huge vested interests at play.
If XMRV was determined to be created in a lab, and propagated in the Human population via vaccines, then there would be enormous international claims for compensation from governments and the pharma industry, running into many multiple billions of dollars.
Hopefully my fears are unjustified, and everyone will want to find out the truth, but it isn't looking that way right now.
Also, if this retrovirus is highly infectious or vertically transmitted, then the infection rate has to be growing rapidly. Cover-ups are, generally speaking, only useful for limited events -- those that have a clear ending -- because the cover-up only has to last until no one cares anymore; it's either old news or everyone involved has died off. In a situation like this, where the infection is spreading, how can a cover-up be realistically maintained?
Well, the CDC has been doing a good job of covering up the truth about ME for 30 years or so, so the authorities could certainly use further delaying tactics. But ultimately, I agree with you, that the truth will have to come out. The only question is 'how long do we have to wait'?