Let's do it for ME is the campaign raising funds for the Invest in ME UK Centre of Excellence.
for all details see here http://letsdoitforme.blogspot.com/
BTW when you look here http://www.everyclick.com/doit4me it is over 1300 - this was money there before, the matched total has not been reached yet, this only started yesterday.
We have received a generous offer to match donations to the Let's do it for ME! fundraising page on Everyclick - for to a total of 1300 - for two weeks ending midnight Sunday 11th September - or until such time as the total has been reached and starting ... NOW!
for all details see here http://letsdoitforme.blogspot.com/
BTW when you look here http://www.everyclick.com/doit4me it is over 1300 - this was money there before, the matched total has not been reached yet, this only started yesterday.