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Domperidone/Motillium, does it work


Senior Member
Baltimore MD
My Neurologist put me on Reglan in May 2019 - I did it for 6 months. It was like a miracle - I have severe Gastroparesis and Colonic inertia.
I could actually eat my same small portions but I did not get pain for first time! I also could increase my eating a bit without severe pain.

Then I noticed I was extremely anxious and depressed.
I stopped the Reglan Dec 2019 - and after about 5 weeks, no anxiety or depression.

I would like to order Domperidone/Motillium.
It is now 4 times the cost it was when I bought it - one box 100 tabs is $48.00.

Does it work for motility of the stomach?
How much does anyone take - 10 mg, 20 mg??
Thanks Starlily88
yes reglan does cause depression, sadly because it works so well for the tummy motility. i didnt like the domperidone. i took the 10 mil for about 6 months, it didnt work and also caused me stomack distress. sorry, joanie


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Does it work for stomach motility - yes.
Does it work for everyone - no.
Will it work for you - maybe, trial and error is the only way to know.
I'm dependent on it, 20 mg 3 x a day - most effective for me when taken as near as possible to 1/2 an hour before eating.
Can be slow to produce good positive effects, up to 3 months for some people but more often, within about 6 weeks.
Some people find the meltabs (orally dissolving tablets) work for them when the regular tablets aren't being well tolerated.


Senior Member
Baltimore MD
Does it work for stomach motility - yes.
Does it work for everyone - no.
Will it work for you - maybe, trial and error is the only way to know.
I'm dependent on it, 20 mg 3 x a day - most effective for me when taken as near as possible to 1/2 an hour before eating.
Thanks -only doing 10 mg. Will try 20 mg - but I barely eat anything when I do eat - I sort of graze.