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Does Self Muscle testing work ? or...

After my recent crash, I cried and said a prayer calling on my love for myself, god, all the positive forces to help me eliminate the supps that are causing me harm and only show strong on the supps i need.

I'm so hoping this works, but I question whether my mind plays tricks on me and by the very need of "wanting" to believe something works, and to talk myself into testing strong

I'm trying to clear my mind with each test, but still i wonder. So far the results have been interesting, I will follow this method just because this maze is so complicated and so much speculation I have no other choice, what works for some just wont' work for others, even if there are similar genetic profiles. I say this because we just don't know what state the body is in or it's needs at any one particular time or for any one particular individual. Or if a certain mutated gene is even being expressed.

There are certain paths of course, if urine is testing high in sulfates for example, if you are blood testing low in a vitamin/ mineral. etc.. But there are so many additional layers of ambiguity as well, there isn't a perfect blood or saliva test. .

Please share your ups and downs with self testing and some tips when things go astray..

Thanks so much, With sincere gratitude for this forum and all it's members..


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@matters I use a self-testing. It's how I've inched my way along into healing over these last 2 years. I use it for supp doses, for understanding symptoms. I learned this method just as I was falling ill, so there's been a long time to build up confidence and rapport w/ my body. I've pretty much given up on lab testing, I treat by symptoms.

Dietrich Klinghardt mentions self-testing in his vid, might sell some DVD re this, not sure, you can look at his website.

Here are some references I have. the first is to a teleconference promoting someone selling his DVDs for self-testing, I haven't listened beyond intro. the second is an incredibly simple method, 3 minute vid. .there are more on youtube.

https://app.box.com/s/pr1aahg1p86mvqbrpxr2 SELF-TESTING teleconference

Self-testing http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Ex59wHLk3Q0


Senior Member
The Mystic Mandy Youtube video Ahmo referenced is my fav too. Muscle testing mostly works for me, but you have to have common sense too.

Two areas where I have had problems with muscle testing are electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, etc.) and B12. You need to have your electrolytes in good shape and be well hydrated for the muscle testing to work right, because it depends on the electromagnetic field of your body. B12 I had trouble because there is a lag time of days before methylation kicks in.

So in those cases you have to use good old trial and error. That means keeping a journal of what you're taking when and any symptoms good or bad, starting low and gradually increasing.

Also read Start Low and Go Slow and Roadblocks to Successful Methylation linked in my signature. I have a lot of tips and more details about how to go about this stuff.

The Nutreval test has also been quite helpful for me too (interpreted with the Nutreval Interpretation Guide, also linked in my signature).


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I've done self-testing for many years, after having several good experiences with chiropractors who do muscle testing. And I agree, you do have to clear your mind and try to have it blank when you test. I do think wanting a particular result will influence the result you get.

I still see a chiropractor who does muscle testing and sometimes I'll ask him to double check something I've tested myself and surprisingly most of the time his testing agrees with mine, which is encouraging. But not always.

And the chiro can diagnose more - it's not just testing whether a certain supplement is good for me or how much to take, but he can also check various systems and see where things have gone awry (e.g., if my liver is struggling with toxins, even pinpointing the type of toxin, or if my adrenals are weak, etc. - it's been very accurate)

One way to find such a chiro is to go to the Standard Process website, which has search feature for practitioners who use their products.

Thanks so much guys. Will start using this way to test.

and thanks Caledonia for the work on the Nutreval. I'm going next week to get that done. Will definitely be referencing your interpretations. :)


Senior Member
There are a few options when it comes to muscle testing such as the O-ring, body sway and pendulum.
I find the pendulum works best for me.

It is possible for the mind to influence the body, so I try to relax and meditate before I muscle test. Before I get into the actual food/supplement testing, I try to spend a while making sure that I am interpreting the body's signs of Yes and No correctly. I ask the pendulum to show me the direction of the Yes and No. Then I use some common statements (checklist) that I know to be definitely True or False (My name, where I was born/not born, where I live etc) to ensure that I have understood the sign/direction I am getting from the pendulum.

One important thing to remember while asking the questions is to make sure that the questions are very clear and specific and the answer can only be Yes or No or Not Sure. If the question is complex or ambiguous the body signals can get confused and result in incorrect answers.

If during the testing I suspect that I am getting wrong answers, I switch to my checklist questions and if the pendulum answers here are wrong then it means my body is working in reverse. I then stop my testing and take a break. Then reset my body and start the process again.

A few links:






Senior Member
Muscle testing doesn't work for me. I have tried the arm technique and the finger O-ring... I always get conflicting results.

So I've tried the iChing :) Mostly for fun.

I have an entire diary of iChing readings where I have tested for many different foods or supplements. Believe it or not it works... I have asked for certain substances multiple times and the responses have always been consistent. Sometimes they are pretty funny, too.

Of course my skeptical side wants to dismiss it immediately, but if I check those readings back I have to say the accuracy is pretty high. 90% if not more. One day I'll take the time to calculate some stats.

Sometimes I think I am close to be put away in an asylum :D But hey, if it provides a bit of guidance who cares? Right?
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@SeaShell, Yes I'm keeping the questions simple, i was doing the O ring, but using Orings with both hands, interlocking and trying to pull them apart, I'm strong enough to keep my two orings from separating with all my strength.

So If I simply ask, "do you/I need this?" I hold the bottle to my chest and try to pull my fingers apart, while the bottle is pressed between my two wrists and chest, You can test this with a cell phone btw. I'm comically feeble/weak when pressing that cell phone to my chest against my interlocking fingers,it's pretty easy to pull it apart, no matter how hard i try to keep them together..

Not sure if it's the right way, because mystic mindy actually has a more passive approach, while I am consciously trying to make myself strong and asking my body to prove me wrong.

I'm going to look into your pendulum approach. that seems real passive two. If all else fails I'll get a oiuji board. ;)

@PeterPositive, yes, whatever gets us thru the day for sure. I need to call upon my spirituality side more,
no, i would never use it, was just kidding.. although maybe the evil spirit will kill that damn fungus, or my luck they would probably join forces.
sidenote: did you read about the dr that injected strep or staph(cant remember) virus to a girl with brain tumor, and it ate it. cured her. then they killed the virus :thumbsup:
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