Does ME cause kidney inflammation?


Senior Member
I am asking this as I am in rather a lot of pain with another attack of glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney) and I wondered if there is an association with ME. I have read that it is likely to occur in the immunocompromised and is associated with viruses and autoimmune disease.

I first had signs of it just a few years after the ME onset with years of proteinuria followed long after by heavy haematuria with large blood clots, swollen face and quite severe pain. When a doctor was called, on being told that I had a diagnosis of ME, he told me that it would just be a pulled muscle. :Retro mad: Unfortunately, the 'pulled muscle' continued to cause many days of heavy bleeding and I became very ill. The doctor wouldn't budge. The second diagnosis was a'lazy bladder' as I visibly swelled up in front of him.

One month later, another doctor diagnosed possible kidney cancer and things changed somewhat. After a deluge of scans, consultant appointments and extremely undignified procedures it was decided that I had glomerulonephritis.

I think it is associated with lupus and also AIDS. So, is it just one of my little peculiararities or am I in good company? :Retro smile: I'd be glad to know I'm not alone. And please someone, pass the pain killers :tear:


Senior Member
Years ago I reggularly got kidney infections. Now I always have blood in my urine, the consultant told me my filters in the kidney are a letting blood thru ometimes, she also said that it would explain the pain I experience, and its called nephritis.


Senior Member
flybro;61095]Years ago I reggularly got kidney infections. Now I always have blood in my urine, the consultant told me my filters in the kidney are a letting blood thru ometimes, she also said that it would explain the pain I experience, and its called nephritis.

Thanks for sharing that flybro. I would like to know if we are prone to this problem once we have this lurgy.

(You haven't got any painkillers you could pop down the road with have you? :tear:)


Senior Member
I was wondering about this too. I don't have a swollen kidney but I have a history of kidney stones as of 2007 and I get UTI symptoms (spasms, leaking, frequency mainly) regularly. So far, I've narrowed down my UTI symptoms to when I take a multi B or my Metagenics Multi or if I've eaten too many oxalates ...

I started taking AZO w probiotics and C, not the regular, for the symptoms and it's helping but I'm not sure if taking AZO every day or so is such a good idea. The regular AZO made my bladder burn but I'm not sure why ...

Are you taking probiotics ? Did you know that anyone with kidney stones is known to be missing the bacteria o.forminges ? It's not available over the counter yet but I "almost" remember lol ... that we actually create this one from other available bacteria ... I'm guessing that the bacteria found in the AZO I take helps with this too.

When I get the chance I want to look more closely at how our urinary tracts should function ... One more thing to add to my list ... lol ... tc ... Marcia
I have blood in my urine every day too, and for a while I was having bladder infections that amoxycillin and other antibiotics could not get rid of.

Then my urologist recommended that I add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of D-Mannose to my drinking water twice a day. It is a tasteless powder made by NOW Foods and can be found in a lot of grocery stores. I have had no infections or pain in my bladder since then. Apparently, there has been confirming research on the D-mannose. It attaches to e-coli and washes it out.

But the blood in my urine remains. And sometimes my urine output drops. In the past my urine output was always higher than normal. I had trouble staying hydrated. I guess this is a progression to a worse phase of ME.
