Does general anaesthetic worsen CFS/ME?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I’m due for surgery soon and I’m scared
Some ME/CFS doctors have given guidelines for anesthesia. I have had general anesthesia a number of times and have given these guidelines to the anesthesiologist and have had no problems with the anesthesia other than the usual grogginess of the drugs wearing off for a few days. We have some guidelines here on the site that are a bit outdated but you can have a look. Do you see an ME/CFS specialist?


Senior Member
I have had a general anesthesia in hospital for examination. I didn't have more or worsen ME symptoms. I must say i even felt a little bit better after i woke up :) But i think the surgery (i don't know what type you have) can make you feel worse. But you will get on your ME level like now. So don''t worry to much. Good luck!
Some ME/CFS doctors have given guidelines for anesthesia. I have had general anesthesia a number of times and have given these guidelines to the anesthesiologist and have had no problems with the anesthesia other than the usual grogginess of the drugs wearing off for a few days. We have some guidelines here on the site that are a bit outdated but you can have a look. Do you see an ME/CFS specialist?
Nobody knows I have it. They think it’s hypocondria


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Sadly for me it did, I was much worse after. But I recovered, unlike many I seem to take 3 to 6 months to recover from any major crash. This has now become consistent. I am not sure if it's because I make sure I support my immune system with traditional medicines but I doubt that is the reason. Suffice to say I haven;t heard of many people reacting badly to anaesthetia, whereas I have, so I appear to be the odd one out. Even so I would read the guidelines Sushi posted, many american hospitals have great guidance for ME patients on this topic. Unlike the UK where it's 100% non existent.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Nobody knows I have it. They think it’s hypocondria
Sorry about that! Many get that response from doctors, though if you are able to consult with an ME/CFS specialist, they will evaluate you according to accepted criteria for this disease and order testing that would tease out the commonly found abnormalities—giving you confirmation (or not) that ME/CFS is at the root of your symptoms. If you have evaluated yourself according to these guidelines and feel that you do have ME/CFS, then you may want to research the anesthesia guidelines before surgery.