Did you get low sodium/potassium ratio?

I got a hair mineral analysis test done and it found a low sodium/potassium ratio, which a search reveals is associated with fatigue such as from overwork or undersleeping. Despite the fact that I’m mostly bedbound and don’t move around much. Have you gotten your levels tested on a hair or blood test and is this imbalance common or mostly universal in people with CFS?

vision blue

Senior Member
For my hair mineral analyiss, my sodium was 92 and potassium 58. The sodium shows at the 50th percentile and the potassium at about the 75th percentile (i.e. top 25 percent).

What are your numbers?


Senior Member
Hair mineral analysis is not considered accurate for minerals.

vision blue

Senior Member
Hair mineral analysis is not considered accurate for minerals.
Does not matter if it is “accurate” or not- just matters if its reliable / repeatable. No one says this is going to be a measure of,electrolytes in blood for example.


Senior Member
Hah! Who knows what it all means. Maybe nothing, as @Hip suggests, when it comes from hair analysis?

In any case @barabara, my ratio was high --11.14/1, sodium to potassium. I was told by the practitioner who ordered the test that this ratio pattern is commonly associated with acute stress or inflammatory process or both. She also said that sodium is representative of inflammatory hormone output and potassium of anti-inflammatory hormone output.

So maybe you are not dealing with inflammation? That would be nice, I think!