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David Tuller NEW crowd funder has 500 less donations than last year so far


Senior Member
I was just reading about David Tuller's new crowdfunder.
His new crowd funder has only two weeks left and has met 2/3rds of goal. However it has 500 less donors than last year. I believe that a lot of those 500 would probably donate again but might not know the campaign is running. There have to be a lot of new people diagnosed too who don't realise either.
You can donate here : https://crowdfund.berkeley.edu/project/9730

His work is probably our best hope of having PACE gotten rid of for good so we can open the door to increased meaningful researched and proper treatment. We really need to get behind this. I'm only in a position to donate today but I'll give as much as I can.

Please help publicise the campaign anyway you can, on your social media,in your support groups, in signatures on forums. It would be tragic if he didn't meet goal and also if he's left feeling there is not as much support for him as there should be given that he's helped us so much and taken so much flack.

Could we sticky a new thread maybe ? Or alert people on the old sticky title that there is a new campaign running?


Senior Member
NSW Australia
I was just reading about David Tuller's new crowdfunder.
His new crowd funder has only two weeks left and has met 2/3rds of goal. However it has 500 less donors than last year. I believe that a lot of those 500 would probably donate again but might not know the campaign is running. There have to be a lot of new people diagnosed too who don't realise either.
You can donate here : https://crowdfund.berkeley.edu/project/9730

His work is probably our best hope of having PACE gotten rid of for good so we can open the door to increased meaningful researched and proper treatment. We really need to get behind this. I'm only in a position to donate today but I'll give as much as I can.

Please help publicise the campaign anyway you can, on your social media,in your support groups, in signatures on forums. It would be tragic if he didn't meet goal and also if he's left feeling there is not as much support for him as there should be given that he's helped us so much and taken so much flack.

Could we sticky a new thread maybe ? Or alert people on the old sticky title that there is a new campaign running?

Done. Thanks for the reminder


Senior Member
Only 10 days left for David Tuller's crowd fund. 15 thousand to go. I had hoped that we would see someone offer to double donations by now. I've donated myself but held some back for this final run in the hope that maybe someone would do a doubling of donations like last year. I'll be donating regardless but I hope there's lots like me waiting in the wings for this final push. Please God we will get there! I think it would be very important to start upping the ante on sticks media and anywhere we can!


Senior Member
What happens with the money if I donate and he doesn't get to the target? Just curious (I did donate last year).


Senior Member
What happens with the money if I donate and he doesn't get to the target? Just curious (I did donate last year).

see https://crowdfund.berkeley.edu/about under FAQs. The donations aren't refundable. If the goal isn't reached then the project creator keeps the money, so Tuller will presumably get it anyway, to use as he is able.

Obviously I would urge people to donate, or the target won't be reached.


Senior Member
David tuller has committed to doing this work even if the target is not reached. I really hope that it will be reached so that he'd have one less worry as he tries to dismantle the Pace trial and all the quackery that goes with it. I imagine that it must be very draining to keep fearlessly confronting the Pace machine. I honestly don't think money could pay for what he is doing for the ME community. Without his level of personal commitment we wouldn' t have a hope.


Senior Member
I think the Dutch community have already donated. You can look on the donor wall at crowdfund page. Click address at bottom of this post.


Senior Member
6 days left
Project ends on April 30, at 11:59 PM PDT
Give Now

“If I overshoot my goal—and I hope I do, as I did last year—the additional funds will be used to increase my compensated time beyond 50% and/or to cover more travel costs. I would be delighted to be able to spend more than half my time on this project.”


Senior Member
David Tuller
about an hour ago

When I launched this year's crowdfunding campaign with a goal of $75,000, I wrote that I hoped to exceed that target, as happened last year. The extra money, I wrote, would go toward travel expenses and/or to increase my Berkeley position slightly above 50 %. Now that seems about to happen, thanks to two excellent events.

First, Berkeley has received a $10,000 gift from an anonymous donor. As of this posting, my current total is $74,591. In addition, Erica Verillo has offered a matching grant of up to $5,000, as she did last year. Erica is well-known in the community as a longtime ME/CFS advocate. She is also the founder of the American Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Society (AMMES), which serves the needs of patients and caregivers through support, advocacy and education. Erica will match any donations made from now till the end of the campaign on April 30th, up to a total of $5,000. If all goes well, I will end the campaign with about $85,000.

I am enormously grateful to Erica, the anonymous donor, and every single person who has supported my efforts. That’s 800+ donations and counting…with six days left. Here's the web page for AMMES:

American ME and CFS Society

OUR MISSION STATEMENT The American ME and CFS Society is dedicated to serving the needs of patients and caregivers through support, advocacy, and education. We seek to channel patient perspectives to government agencies, committees and initiatives, and to unify the ME and CFS community by pursuing the common goals of expanding research, increasing knowledge about treating the disease, and educating health care professionals to help them make a timely diagnosis and alleviate the suffering of patients.
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@Ember, the link to [redacted] goes to facebook and then redirects to a malware site. this is an indication that the facebook page has been hijacked.

also, is it too late to donate?

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Senior Member
@Ember, the link to "American ME and CFS Society" goes to facebook and then redirects to a malware site. this is an indication that the facebook page has been hijacked.
Thanks for letting me know. I've asked that the link in my post be disabled, as it's too late now for me to edit. You might want to disable the link in your post as well.