Hi All,
New here so pls bare with me-- Not sure this is the correct place to post about relationships?
I am under the impression that there are not too many twenty/thirty somethings? Specifically, single young folks?
I've had some level of CFIDS (ME if I were from overseas, i'm sure it would be called)-- some form since age 18...(now 30). Yet I have been able to do alot for career, etc on mainly part time basis (with much perseverance, of course). And Fortunately, my social-life did not suffer too too much. I probably was at about a 4-6 level for much of my twenties...(recent set back after infection has brought me to a 3. I hope hope hope not permanently. sigh!).
So I feel blessed that I have had enough energy to have a little fun. Including in the realm of dating. And I've always enjoyed dating-- At least for women, I think it can be alot of fun, ad easy way to meet interesting people!
Now however...in a natural progression, I'm looking for the real deal relationship (I had it once, maybe twice, but wasn't ready yet).
Sadly, now of course, I feel far to sick to actually have any time or energy for a relationship--and any little energy I do have I want to dedicate to my friends. And hope with research/treatment, etc.
But I would never want to give up on the idea of finding a lovely man who might deal with this!
So...My question(s):
ANY ADVICE FROM THE 20-40 crowd or please, wisdom from another generation is welcome!), about :
-when to tell, and WHAT to tell? (is there a formula?
On 3rd date, say xyz, that would be nice! )
-Any encouraging stories about finding a partner...despite only having a few hours of energy a day? despite potentially being on disability (at such a young age)?
- i find i talk alot about my past life (which was very full... I feel like this DOES speak to who i am , what I am "all about"--my values, things I care about--even if I can no longer physically participate in those things. But I also find this is misleading-- since I can no longer do most things--talking about (sports, travels--my spirit is still adventurous!)--but yes, it's misleading. Not sure how to maneuver that.
Specifically in dating/getting to know new people.
As I've said-in many ways i've already lived such a full and blessed life-- great education, travel, (start) of career (though i sure could use more time for career! sigh.)- But my concern now is: how is it even POSSIBLE to imagine a relationship working out with this, uncertain illness??
And of course, I used be thankful for attention from men in terms of appearacnes-- I've always *liked the way I look --feel blessed that way too. But now the comments about beauty seem so very -- just irrelevant. It's almost painful. Like many here I think I'd prefer to look as I felt... But I wonder if appearing "glowing and healthy" might actually help with relationships--somehow--rather than confuse?
(trying to stay positive here...)
Ok that's long enough! Apologies, it's late and this is more of a tired ramble than question! But any thoughts--or directions to old posts on the subject, would be most appreciated.
To Hope and health,
p.s. wow what great Icons....better learn to incorporate to make my ramble-posts more readable!
New here so pls bare with me-- Not sure this is the correct place to post about relationships?
I am under the impression that there are not too many twenty/thirty somethings? Specifically, single young folks?
I've had some level of CFIDS (ME if I were from overseas, i'm sure it would be called)-- some form since age 18...(now 30). Yet I have been able to do alot for career, etc on mainly part time basis (with much perseverance, of course). And Fortunately, my social-life did not suffer too too much. I probably was at about a 4-6 level for much of my twenties...(recent set back after infection has brought me to a 3. I hope hope hope not permanently. sigh!).
So I feel blessed that I have had enough energy to have a little fun. Including in the realm of dating. And I've always enjoyed dating-- At least for women, I think it can be alot of fun, ad easy way to meet interesting people!
Now however...in a natural progression, I'm looking for the real deal relationship (I had it once, maybe twice, but wasn't ready yet).
Sadly, now of course, I feel far to sick to actually have any time or energy for a relationship--and any little energy I do have I want to dedicate to my friends. And hope with research/treatment, etc.
But I would never want to give up on the idea of finding a lovely man who might deal with this!
So...My question(s):
ANY ADVICE FROM THE 20-40 crowd or please, wisdom from another generation is welcome!), about :
-when to tell, and WHAT to tell? (is there a formula?
-Any encouraging stories about finding a partner...despite only having a few hours of energy a day? despite potentially being on disability (at such a young age)?
- i find i talk alot about my past life (which was very full... I feel like this DOES speak to who i am , what I am "all about"--my values, things I care about--even if I can no longer physically participate in those things. But I also find this is misleading-- since I can no longer do most things--talking about (sports, travels--my spirit is still adventurous!)--but yes, it's misleading. Not sure how to maneuver that.
Specifically in dating/getting to know new people.
As I've said-in many ways i've already lived such a full and blessed life-- great education, travel, (start) of career (though i sure could use more time for career! sigh.)- But my concern now is: how is it even POSSIBLE to imagine a relationship working out with this, uncertain illness??
And of course, I used be thankful for attention from men in terms of appearacnes-- I've always *liked the way I look --feel blessed that way too. But now the comments about beauty seem so very -- just irrelevant. It's almost painful. Like many here I think I'd prefer to look as I felt... But I wonder if appearing "glowing and healthy" might actually help with relationships--somehow--rather than confuse?
(trying to stay positive here...)
Ok that's long enough! Apologies, it's late and this is more of a tired ramble than question! But any thoughts--or directions to old posts on the subject, would be most appreciated.
To Hope and health,
p.s. wow what great Icons....better learn to incorporate to make my ramble-posts more readable!