Daily Mirror: The woman who is turning into a statue - Mother's recalls moment her life changed


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Cornwall England
The woman who is turning into a statue: Mother's recalls moment her life changed

Lindsey Clarke, 29, has spoken about the day she woke up with Stiff Person Syndrome and since then she has suffered excruciating pain as a result

June 1st 2014

When Lindsey Clarke went to sleep on the night of June 6, 2009, she had no idea that overnight her life would change forever.

She had given birth to her third child just eight weeks previously.

Yet when she woke to feed her baby at 5.30pm, Lindsey, then 29, knew something was wrong.

Without warning Lindsey, known to her friends as Norri, developed Stiff Person Syndrome – a condition that causes violent spasm and excruciating pain to consume her, leaving her gasping for breath as her body stiffens into a living statue.

Lindsey told Wales Online she remembered the exact moment it happened.

"I woke up but I couldn't lift my head off the pillow. I had to hold my head up with my hands. I thought it was anaemia causing such severe fatigue I was unable to move my body."

Lindsey saw her GP that morning who told her it was unlikely she was anaemic. Her symptoms baffled doctors for almost a year, first diagnosing her with post-natal depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and lupus.

When the intense spasms quickly spread through out her body she was diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome – a rare autoimmune disease that effects one in a million....

Read more (includes video of Lindsey): http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/woman-who-turning-statue-mothers-3632776#ixzz33Sl7bI85