I'm not a migraine sufferer (well maybe about 5-6 in my life), but 5 months of severe headaches & pain behind the eyes contributed towards me (finally) having to quit work in Feb this year.
Many migraine sufferers (well, about 86% so the statistics say) find relief with the herb Feverfew (I think it's in tablet form - never tried it myself).
Ensure you are drinking enough water (not coffee, tea, soft drinks or cordials) as dehydration exacerbates headaches (& other muscle/soft tissue pain).
Then there's too much computer work, eye strain (have your eyes checked), allergies,food sensitivities, food colourings. too much tyrosine foods (?), check posture & ergonomics of your desk/table/chair, mould (you've already done this one I read), preservatives in foods.
And MCS (multiple chemical sensitivites) - mine give me a bad headache apart from dizziness, lethargy & obnoxious smell.
I don't like taking drugs either, but too much pain stresses out the body organs & tissues (& a doctor told me once that "not treating" pain is actually worse on the body, than the pain itself).
I still get the occasional headache or eye pain and when I do, I get off the computer fast & do something else for a while. There's an acupuncture point between your thumb & forefinger which you can "needle" with the point of a pen & I've found this sometimes gets rid of an headache. Press hard on the skin between your upper lip & nostrils - this relieves nausea associated with headaches.
But real migraines.......well, a work colleague told me if she doesn't take her strong medication (codiene based I think it was) fast, at the first sign of a migraine (she gets lights flashing in her eyes when she's about to get a migraine), she is out & laying in a dark room for about 3 days. Then they are so debilitating that she feels pretty exhausted for a further 3-4 days.
But long term feverfew herbal tablets are supposed to work wonders for chronic migraines.
(nothing I took for that 5 months before I quite work had any effect).