current OMF-funded research projects underway at the Open House - May 1st 2021


Senior Member

Having trouble viewing this video? We are running this live stream on two different channels:
OMF Open House May 2021 (Main Page)
OMF Open House May 2021 (Mirror 1 – This Page)
If you’re still experiencing difficulty viewing the live stream, come back to this page to view a recording of the event that will be available shortly after completion


Senior Member
Just saw this on the CFS subreddit, /r/cfs. Why wasn't this posted on here or shared anywhere else?

Ron Davis spoke first and shared the latest research update on the metabolic trap. I have not viewed the video or his update personally, but others on reddit have reported he said:
  • metabolic trap confirmed in human cells
  • there could be other traps, but this metabolic trap is capable of explaining most problems seen in cfs as well as makes sense with an infectious onset
  • he is now testing drugs on the metabolic trap in yeast cells and this will be a very quick and cheap process
Can anyone else give some brief summaries of each speaker?


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
I watched the first and second speakers before crashing, they were interesting.
Will have to check out the rest


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Wish I had known about this one too. Saw someone tweet the summary re metabolic trap findings. This is really great news. I think I might be in this subset.

Fingers crossed he finds some good cheaply available drugs soon.


Senior Member
Wish I had known about this one too. Saw someone tweet the summary re metabolic trap findings. This is really great news. I think I might be in this subset.

Fingers crossed he finds some good cheaply available drugs soon.

What are the subsets? Which are you?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Nobody knows. But it's clear there's more than one. I find it odd that I had such a good reaction to taking high dose thiamine. As it has no effect on the immune system and I've never had good reactions to anti virals that a metabolic issue might make sense. As I struggled with energy production even as a teenager. I was always the kid who tired easily and felt sleepy a lot.


Senior Member

Anybody know long it takes to trial one drug? I hear yeast is fast.

Reddit tells me it should be pretty fast. Months i think
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
metabolic trap findings.

One theory of my Getting Way Worse...a series of gastro events that seemed in- explicable in 2018. I went from mild to moderately bad- over a few months- post severe stress and two bouts of: near death "stomach flu" that- maybe is no the flu. Or maybe a new virus, not Eppstein-snuck in. I seem to think I'm carrying something that can flare.

But reading that NO3 could have gotten real high during one or both of these events, that could have created a form of: further trapped.

So this trap- well keep working on that theory please, as I think there could really be something to it.

Maybe my decades of mild, I was slightly trapped, or intermittently trapped and then- Ok again. But now: there seems to be NO Ok Again.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
As I struggled with energy production even as a teenager. I was always the kid who tired easily and felt sleepy a lot.

I figure my saga started at 1 years of age with the severe food allergies.

I remember how difficult it was for my Dad to get me to wake up to go to school. I don't want to wake up, and I"m 7. And I love school.

Eppstein Barr acute arrived at 10. Then repeated bouts.

In college, I remember I'd get up, cross the room and push the 5 minute snooze alarm- a record was 10 times (fall back to sleep each time your back in bed again).

Visiting friends, slumber parties, us sleeping on some floor- everybody is stepping over me: I'm still not yet awake.

So now I have unrefreshing sleep and when i'm sort of PEM I can- sleep 11 hours (I wake up, just go back to sleep again).


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Sounds hellish sorry Rufous.

I do wonder how Joshua's herpesveredie paper compares or incorporates metabolic trap into its hypothesis as it's very much mitochondria centric. Which is why I think it might only be one subset. With metabolic trap being another subset.


Senior Member
Watched a bit of me video today but I’m too sick atm. Seems pretty reasonable and cool.
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