12th International IACFS/ME Biennial Clinical and Research Conference
Emerging Science and Clinical Care
Thursday, October 27th
8:00 am – 8:20 am
Welcome and Introduction
Dr. Fred Friedberg
President, IACFS/ME
Research Associate Professor, Stony Brook University
Founder and Editor, Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behavior
Nova Southeastern University and local officials, to be determined
8:20 am – 9:15 am (last 15 min. are Q and A)
Keynote Address
New ME/CFS Developments at the National Institutes of Health
Dr. Vicky Whittemore
Program Director, Channels, Synapses and Circuits
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
United States National Institutes of Health
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Professional workshops (run concurrently; attendees select one only)
Review of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities/Environmental Sensitivities: Office Assessment and Management
Alison Bested, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.
Clinical associate professor, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Learn to diagnose and treat the patients with complex chronic medical conditions in your office.
Acute and Chronic Enteroviral Infection
John Chia, M.D.
UCLA School of Medicine
The workshop entitled “Acute and Chronic Enterovirus Infection” is for professionals who would are interested in these virus infections and association with ME/CFS. Nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physicians, researchers, epidemiologist will gain basic knowledge to recognize and diagnose these medical conditions and learn to associate these infections with ME/CFS.
How Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Informs Pathology and Treatment
Mark Van Ness, Ph.D.
Department of Health, Exercise, and Sport Science, University of the Pacific
Christopher Snell, Ph.D.
Scientific Advisor, WorkWell Foundation
Betsy Keller, Ph.D.
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Ithaca College
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is a data collection paradigm that accurately and objectively describes the post-exertional response that ME/CFS patients experience. CPET will be described, including its utility for understanding ME/CFS pathology. Information will be presented about how the post-exertional state is particularly useful for data collection pertaining to immunological, neurological and hormonal conditions.
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Professional workshops (run concurrently; attendees select one only)
Behavioral Assessment and Treatment of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia
Fred Friedberg, Ph.D.
President, IACFS/ME
Research Associate Professor, Stony Brook University
Founder and Editor, Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behavior
Leonard A. Jason, Ph.D.
Professor, DePaul University
In this introductory workshop on CFS/ME and fibromyalgia (FM), participants will learn about practical methods of behavioral assessment and individualized treatment strategies. Our approach consists of self-management focused interventions and non-pharmacologic strategies for clinicians that can offer realistic hope for improvement in these patients. This workshop will benefit clinicians who work with CFS/ME and FM patients.
Diagnosing and Treating Orthostatic Intolerance
Peter Rowe, M.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Postural tachycardia and hypotension in response to orthostatic stress are common in those with ME/CFS. These circulatory disturbances contribute to ME/CFS symptoms and lower quality of life. This workshop will help clinicians identify and treat common forms of orthostatic intolerance in their patients with ME/CFS.
NIH Grant Writing Workshop
Vicky Whittemore, Ph.D.
Program Director, Channels, Synapses and Circuits
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
The NIH Grant Writing Workshop will review skills that are critical for becoming a successful grant applicant.