Count ME In to a gentle rain of tiny donations - June


Off the fence
Count ME In to a gentle rain of tiny donations - June and July

We've all been so busy voting in Chase and Vivant, I didn't update with the totals last month. So, as it is the 20th of June tomorrow already, and midsummer the day after, it's past time this oversight was redressed:

Count ME In totals for last month were $2074/1278/1445, which means we have now raised a whopping total of $10,447/6442/7337!!! Huge thanks to everyone!!! xxx

This month we are asking that if you can, you make a tiny donation between the 20th and the end of the month. If you haven't got any to spare, then god bless and never mind. But if you can find a free pound or more, be sure it will not only be made to go a long way, but our campaign also shows the WPI how much we appreciate them, and helps give them the strength to carry on. This month we had the news via treatingXMRV.blogspot that the clinic will open on August 1st.

Here's all those links:

COUNT ME IN! Blogger page Info, links and videos.

COUNT ME IN! facebook page Info, links, discussion, somewhere to post if you haven't put the Count ME In! message along with your donation.

COUNT ME IN! FB Causes Page Minimum donation still $10. There's a facility to easily tell your facebook friends about COUNT ME IN! Tip: Causes does not like the Safari browser.

WPI DIRECT donation page Here you can donate by credit card or paypal, any amount from a dollar up. For one-off donations, please write "Count ME In!" in the message to seller, so we can measure how we are doing.

You can sign up to make a regular monthly donation using this same link, but you cannot (I find to my embarrassment) put "COUNT ME IN!" in the message to seller, because there is no field for a message to seller. So, if you choose this route, please pm me with the amount or post it on the Facebook page. so we can count in your donation every month.


Off the fence
A message from Maxine of the Count Me In team: The figures were down last month but we had the Mad Chase Giving Contest in it's final days - Let's make this month a BUMPER MONTH, you can donate up to the 30th but do it now so you don't forget :)

The WPI are moving forward, so as far as our support goes
So search down the back of the sofa & Join in with Count Me In & give that much needed support.
On Aug 1st they are opening their doors 'Wow' lets make sure that stays on target.

Regarding the matching donations with Vivint -The Wpi suggest that we wait and see how the first matching period goes, from the timing of their announcement to the duration of the matching period. That way we can see if it would be a good idea to promote for CMI for use in this period - it may of course encourage those that don't usually donate (I wouldn't want to stop those) & of course there is a maximum of $2500There will be 3 CMI periods during the voting phase of Round 2. Xxx

Please feel free to spread the word...........It's that time again ~ To Stand Up, Sit Down, Lie Down and be COUNTED. Your dollar(s) can make a difference.

A big thanks from all the CMI team and WPI.


Off the fence
There's five days left to join us in a contribution to Count ME In! this month. Every little helps ;)

While we are all voting Vivint every day, let's not loose the long view. CMI could grow to make a big difference.


iherb code TAK122
Good of you to bump this Jace we do need reminding, its a full time job with the Vivant voting every day as well:):)


Off the fence
Thanks, maryb. We are making a difference, with CMI and Chase and Vivint, and the WPI are making progress. They need us to carry on to help fulfil their/our dream of full understanding and effective treatment of neuro-immune disease.

This is the time to renew effort, not to sit back on our laurels. We are so near, yet so far. Nothing is written in stone yet. Keep on trucking, folks, we're doing good and we will get there if we try.


Senior Member
Sydney Australia
I will donate $1000 to Count ME In if .....
Cort can go one calendar month calling our illness ME and not CFS or CF,
in posts or blogs on the PR forum.

Of course, quotes of other's work are not counted nor any semi-legal documents which
should be ME/CFS for now.

Sending a PM to Cort.


Off the fence
Fantastic Greg! Cort, please consider rising to this challenge, and thanks for your prominent support in Vivint.

It's the last day of June. Anyone yet to be counted in this month?

xx jace xx


Phoenix Rising Founder
I will donate $1000 to Count ME In if .....
Cort can go one calendar month calling our illness ME and not CFS or CF,
in posts or blogs on the PR forum.

Of course, quotes of other's work are not counted nor any semi-legal documents which
should be ME/CFS for now.

Sending a PM to Cort.
I assure you I can do that for a month...when shall we start?


Fine, thank you
I assure you I can do that for a month...when shall we start?

Don't forget to edit your signature then! :D

Seriously, this name thing's a minefield - roll on the day we can establish a name based on aetiology or well-agreed biomarkers.


Off the fence
Thanks, Cort, that is a fantastic offer :Sign Good one: May I suggest that before posting anything, you run a quick search for 'CFS' and the work 'Chronic' just in case something slips through? Old habits, and all that...


Off the fence
Totals for June are in. We've all been focussing on Vivint, and the totals are down a bit again, but it's still useful income, showing the patients' support for the WPI, which I know they greatly appreciate.

June totals for COUNT ME IN $1847.50 / 1146.76 / 1304.80
Overall funds raised since CMI began in January $12,294 / 7588 / 8,641

Considering how broke we all are, this is a fantastic achievement. Huge hugs and thanks to all involved xx


Off the fence
And maybe Cort will manage to keep the faith, and there's another $1,000. I'm looking forward to the end of August, and hoping that the plans to open the WPI clinic then work out. Woo Hoo that would be so great! That clinic/lab complex is exactly what is needed to sort out the wood from the trees, treatmentwise.


Off the fence
Count ME In! July - Double your Donation via Vivint.

Such a shame that Cort failed gregf's challenge - never mind, tomorrow is another day, Cort! It's down to the footsoldiers to send what we can to Count ME In. Time to be counted in again in July, folks. Just what you can afford, $1 and up.

For donations made between midnight on the 21st and midnight 23rd July EST, inclusive, double your money via the Vivint matched donations facility. Donate via the Vivint WPI voting page (there will be a donate button on there, during this period) and Vivint will double your money, and pass it on to the WPI without any deductions. Has to be good news. You will have had to have 'Liked' Vivint on Facebook first to be able to do this. If you donate this way, please pm me or leave a message on the CMI Facebook page to have your donation included in this month's CMI. Vivint allow donations of up to $50.

Count ME In totals for last month were $1847.50 / 1146.76 / 1304.80, which means we have now raised a whopping total of $12,294 / 7588 / 8,641! I think that's fantastic, from a bunch of broke, poorly folk.

if you can find a free dollar or more for this month's CMI, be sure it will help the WPI. Our campaign also shows the WPI how much we appreciate them and helps give them the strength to carry on.

Here's all those links:

COUNT ME IN! Blogger page Info, links and videos.

COUNT ME IN! facebook page Info, links, discussion, somewhere to post if you haven't put the Count ME In! message along with your donation.

COUNT ME IN! FB Causes Page Minimum donation still $10. There's a facility to easily tell your facebook friends about COUNT ME IN! Tip: Causes does not like the Safari browser.

WPI DIRECT donation page Here you can donate by credit card or paypal, any amount from a dollar up. For one-off donations, please write "Count ME In!" in the message to seller, so we can measure how we are doing.

You can sign up to make a regular monthly donation using this same link, but you cannot put "COUNT ME IN!" in the message to seller, because there is no field for a message to seller. So, if you choose this route, please pm me with the amount or post it on the Facebook page. so we can count in your donation every month.