Correlation of allergies and CFS?


Senior Member
I've been treating my CFS at the moment on all possible levels (restoring mitochondria performance, restitution of neuronal balance & neurohormones, immunmodulation, dieting). I've noticed that my energy increased, brain-fogged lifted, and so was thinking that all those measurements would be working.

The last two days though I felt ill again, and really, really tired... the only thing I've changed was, that I haven't taken my 'Nytol' sleeping pill, which active ingredient is an antihistamine.

I almost couldn't sleep, woke up several times stressed, have a running nose, swollen eyes and just feel ill... even after taking my mitochondria-neurohormones-immunmodulation cocktail which has normally in the morning an immediate pick me up effect.

I started to think about when my CFS started, and remembered it was around 1 year after I got severe hayfever for the first time. (At this time, I also developed a nickel allergy and once my face got so swollen and red due to a chemical allergy, that my parents had to take me out of school for two weeks.)
The hayfever got much milder since, the episode of the reaction to the chemicals was nearly forgotten, and with all the other symptoms coming up from CFS, I haven't paied too much attention to all that...

It made me thinking now, that maybe the trigger for (my) CFS were errant allergical reactions of my immunesystem which then had an effect on other body functions?

So, I am wondering, how many of you CFS sufferers out there have/had hayfever or other allergies, and has the first time occurred somehow in a related timeframe when your CFS broke out?


Senior Member
Hi Curry,

My allergies - dust, pollen, pets, food (i.e. prawns) all started when ME hit me as an acute onset viral disease. I didn't have allergies as a child.

What I did have before ME was a chemical sensitivity (particular to smells). Some of my family are very allergic so it may have been just a matter of time.

I've not taken Nytol but may do so as antihistamines usually put me to sleep and I like to have a range of things to pulse when sleep becomes a problem.



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Hi Curry, i have had allergies and MCS all my life, way before i became ill with M.E. my allergies are better since i moved to the country away from all the pollution of the city.
I am allergic to all the usual things; house dust mites, grass, cats, perfumes, chemicals etc. I have had a nickel allergy since my teens and have just noticed a lot of threads about that on here. I also had mito test done and it was found that i have some unusual results that may mean toxins sticking on to things - sorry , not very scientific!
I am also trrying the things you are trying (loosely speaking) and am wondering if you have tried anykind of detox regime for allergies?
I havent yet as am tryinmg to work on other things first so that i am strong enough for detox reactions.


iherb code TAK122
I never had any allergies or food intolerances before ME, like ukxmrv noticed a sensitivity to perfumes, petrol fumes etc a few years before getting ill, but mostly it all came together, hopefully it'll all go away together.


Senior Member
I also never had allergies before CEBV.
I'm now allergic to everything green,cats,dust mites,mold and spores.
Curry I hope your Nytol fits the puzzle and maryb i agree it can all go away together..tomorrow works for me.


Senior Member
Thank you all for the replies.

I am allergic to all the usual things; house dust mites, grass, cats, perfumes, chemicals etc. I have had a nickel allergy since my teens and have just noticed a lot of threads about that on here. I also had mito test done and it was found that i have some unusual results that may mean toxins sticking on to things - sorry , not very scientific!
I am also trrying the things you are trying (loosely speaking) and am wondering if you have tried anykind of detox regime for allergies?
I havent yet as am tryinmg to work on other things first so that i am strong enough for detox reactions.
I haven't done yet any detoxing nor desensitisation for allergies - but I've been strongly considering to do an Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization.

Regarding the mitochondrial test and 'toxins sticking on to things' - richvank has explained in this post what this may cause, and how to rectify.


Senior Member
EPD really helped me with the food (I'd actually forgotten this) but particularly the inhaled allergies. The one that hasn't improved is the pet reaction.


Senior Member
EPD really helped me with the food (I'd actually forgotten this) but particularly the inhaled allergies. The one that hasn't improved is the pet reaction.

May I ask how much the costs were and where you had the treatment done in the UK?
(I've asked for a quote, and it was GBP 750.)


disjecta membra
Los Angeles, CA
Diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Nytol, besides being an anti-histamine is a very early form of serotonin re-uptake inhibitor. So it has an effect similar to antidepressants. If dysfunctions of serotonin are involved in CFS, then taking Diphenhydramine could be having a beneficial effect totally separate from its effect on your allergy symptoms, an effect that you might miss if you were taking it regularly and stopped it suddenly.


Senior Member
The Homeopathic Hospitals do it in the UK. Also Dr Myhill. My own private doctor (who used to do it for about 80 a shot) has sadly retired abnout 5 years ago.
I've always had allergies. I developed ME/CFS shortly after trying allergy shots/immunotherapy. It may have caused it.

Edit: I was also taking whey protein isolate multiple times per day around this time. I believe plants and dairy protein are extremely bad for the immune system. If consumed they both cause intestinal permeability as well which is one method. Injecting plant serum however I imagine can do even more direct harm.
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Senior Member
My symptoms are always worse when there is a high pollen count. Right now in the northeast United States, we are under a high pollen count. Lucky us. Twice a year, (fall and spring) my nose fills up and my symptoms get worse.


Be Strong!
Started getting food sensitivities at age 17, at 21 moved into moldy apt, got allergy tested, had a ton show up including lots of molds. I slowly went down hill from there until I got diagnosed at age 30 ish. Treating my allergies help immensely with general energy and symptoms.