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Connection between Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's and Sjogren's Poll

How many people here with Fibromyalgia also have the following?:

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Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I talk to many people online with Fibromyalgia. I have noticed that a large number of people with Fibromyalgia also have Hashimoto's Disease, Sjogren's syndrome or Sjogren's Antibodies, and elevated C-Reactive Protein. I wanted to do a poll to see how much of a connection there is.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Ive had fibro and I have none of those (unless one counts ME as being autoimmune connection). I do have hypothyriodism running in my family (at least 3 family members) .. i dont know if any of those had fibro.

Maybe do another option .. had/have fibro but possibly none of those.


Senior Member
East Sussex, U.K.
Maybe this is far too late for your survey!: I have Sjögren's antibodies, Syndrome, and symptom of dry lungs, but much much the worst symptoms are chronic fatigue, PEM, and too often, brain fog.

I am not at all sure, but I think it very possible that the Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) which I've been taking for 10 months has spared me the joint pain, often a main Sjögren's symptom. But who knows.

I always just assumed that chronic fatigue is a symptom of many autoimmune diseases, which must be related, although blood tests reveal separate diagnoses.
I live in the US which may affect diagnosis.
British Columbia
Very interesting poll! So it is true that autoimmune and fibro tend to be co-morbid. My rheumatologist told me that this is quite common a while back, but she had no explanation for WHY.

I have come up with one theory - if anyone is interested I can share some links.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
Very interesting poll! So it is true that autoimmune and fibro tend to be co-morbid. My rheumatologist told me that this is quite common a while back, but she had no explanation for WHY.

I have come up with one theory - if anyone is interested I can share some links.

I'm interested.

Have you seen the study where they found 40% of people with fibromyalgia also have small fiber neuropathy? They theorize it is autoimmune neuropathy. I always wondered if Fibromyalgia is a yet to be discovered autoimmune disease.
British Columbia
@Mya Symons Do you have an autoimmune condition, fibro or both? I'll share my ideas hopefully by tomorrow, I was just heading out. It's just my own wild theory of what helps me make sense of my own situation, I don't know if it would necessarily apply to others but may be something to look into anyway. I posted my recovery story here http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...lgia-a-sleep-disorder-a-recovery-story.46082/ so you may get some sense of it from there. A made few interesting and unusual discoveries.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
@Mya Symons Do you have an autoimmune condition, fibro or both? I'll share my ideas hopefully by tomorrow, I was just heading out. It's just my own wild theory of what helps me make sense of my own situation, I don't know if it would necessarily apply to others but may be something to look into anyway. I posted my recovery story here http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...lgia-a-sleep-disorder-a-recovery-story.46082/ so you may get some sense of it from there. A made few interesting and unusual discoveries.

Yes, I have Hashimoto's and Fibromyalgia.
I talk to many people online with Fibromyalgia. I have noticed that a large number of people with Fibromyalgia also have Hashimoto's Disease, Sjogren's syndrome or Sjogren's Antibodies, and elevated C-Reactive Protein. I wanted to do a poll to see how much of a connection there is.

I don't have fibromyalgia; however, I did have high CRP, 6.5 and anti-TPO ab of 51, before starting DMSA chelation for mercury poisoning. The increased anti-TPO ab seems to correlate with gluten in my diet, the more breads and other things like that I eat the more my body attacks my thyroid. Some think it is a sign of leaky gut, but I've done everything I can to fix that and it hasn't helped. After chelation, CRP went down to 0.

Anti-Tg <1 and Anti-Trab <1, thus I have hashimoto's as opposed to graves disease or some other hyperthyroidism.