Concerned bee sting will set me back permanantly

vision blue

Senior Member
Probably many of you have read the same stories that if anything makes your mast cells go berserk, your new normal forever is worse than before The Event

I was minding my own business a d a bee or yellowjacket came out of nowhere, didnt even hover or explore, just kamacazied right into me

So youd think ok normal
Thing normal reaction but noioiooo

Nothing about my body is normal or does things by the book

I did get expected swelling redness and pain but no other teacruon


The next night! Even tbo the texts say syatemic allergy within 30 minutes, for me was 30 hours! Swollen face, lios, stuffed nise, tingly lips, tingly throat, and super sensitive skin everywhere so simple mosquito bite producing atypical redness

The delay was weird thing number 1

Weird thing number 2 is the sting mark itself went away in a few hours and by the night was completely clear Great. Except next day it redenned again , went away, came back really red hot and a gry, went away, and that geralded the general symptoms. Now my stomach hurts and dont know if those are i ternal unhappy mast celks

Back to first paragraph, i could use positive stories where youve had a mast attack but did NOT reset and a few more impaired level of functioning. Concerned about this

Also wondering on something. I asked a doc if its normal for the sting reaction to go away and then come back (not to mention several cycles) abd was told no way tho onky asked one doc a d have not looked it up. Anway, my lresumed herpes leaions do the same thing. Has always baffled me not to mention the big shot head of hospital infectious disease guru who declared “herpes does not effervesce”. Yeah well welcome to my world. So just wonder have i just learned somethibg about my body? Why do my skin things come and go. Does it shed any light on my recurrent herpes virus? Ill tak @hapl808 but might be tagging wrong person...have to reche k personal communicatiobs)


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Back to first paragraph, i could use positive stories where youve had a mast attack but did NOT reset and a few more impaired level of functioning.

I get hives on my legs sometimes, mainly my left leg. They get very red, hot and itchy and cover most of my leg. I don't know if it's a reaction certain foods I eat, supplements I take, or something else.

It can really freak me out sometimes, because they cover so much of my leg, are so itchy and hot, and the more I itch them, the more they itch! But they always go away and have never made my ME/CFS symptoms worse.

vision blue

Senior Member
Not sure if im currently in a really big crash from it all or having venom and or mast cell effects. I can barely stand at the sink or stove, and lifting arms from bed to type thid feels like someone quadrupled the weight of gravity. Hit 2 days after the sting. If i had the energy id spit into a test tube, freeze it, and have it tested for cortisol to see if this is adrenal fatigue. Im guessing its more am out of adreniline. At least i dont feel revved up. My motor eithe runs too fast or too slow but never finds its goldilocks moment any more. I wonder if its i run on adrenaline since i have no other sources of proper energy.


Senior Member
My motor eithe runs too fast or too slow but never finds its goldilocks moment any more. I wonder if its i run on adrenaline since i have no other sources of proper energy.

This describes me pretty well. On the rare occasion where I feel mildly good for 30 mins (on an enjoyable phone call or rare social interaction), I've learned that a huge crash will likely follow. So my guess is the only speeds I have are off and adrenaline spike - which I experience as just feeling like my symptoms temporarily lessened and I have a bit more energy and less brain fog.

Don't have much to offer other than I hope you can rest and recover. My experience is that most of these events are recoverable, but not all of them. The less you can continue to stress your body, maybe the better chance for a full return to baseline.

vision blue

Senior Member
Cone to think of it, i did have a brief feeling relatively good period before the crash- on the day of sting i thought maybe bee sting cured me...

While i notmally have high bp, sometimes very very high, its down now to 126/68. True this is usually my lowest time of day post eating and post nap but this is lower than normal consistent with a model that i released mega norepinephrine to function and now its used up and my body has to make some more becore i can go back to being jacked up lunatic. Duracell makes batteries with power boost now; maybe that would help...

I suppose this all supports the hpa axis and adrenal fatigue stuff but somehow i dont think thats quite right

What happens to you if you take prednisone? I have never tried as i think dangerous for me


Senior Member
Cone to think of it, i did have a brief feeling relatively good period before the crash- on the day of sting i thought maybe bee sting cured me...

Took me awhile to realize this kinda thing. I would often feel amazing at doctor's appointments - the excitement of leaving the house usually for the first time in months, the physical exertion of dealing with crutches, transferring wheelchairs, etc. But each time I would think maybe that meant I was doing better, until I would fall asleep on the way home and be in full crash mode for the next 3+ days if I were lucky.

I haven't taken prednisone for the same reasons. Last time I took it was around 15 years old after being diagnosed with mono, then the diagnosis questioned, then a shrug. I've seen some positing that steroids during a viral illness can be a precursor to ME/CFS, but who knows. My symptoms probably started in childhood, but severely worsened in my mid-twenties after getting very sick in SE Asia.

vision blue

Senior Member
@hapl808 so maybe we get an adreniline rush- same thing for me and docs and all my symptoms are gone when there. I also cant make any appts of any kind anymore. Fake energy we dont have. Even people in catastrophic accidents with horrendus injuries feel fine during an acreneline rush. It must be very sapping of body resources to have that. Maybe its worth looking up what kinds of energy is ised up with adreniline- maybe it even used up all glutathione just to pick at random thinking if we know specific tbibgs it depleted perhaps we can replete them

Interesting on cortisone plus virus. Do you think its immunosupression thats doing something? Or what are the various possibilities? (If true. Didnt know peoppe even gave that for viruses. - well maybe i have but not too often. Ive seen rheums alot give both antibiotic and predisone at same time- ive never liked that strategy.


Senior Member
So sorry this happened to you @vision blue . I don't know if it's helpful to you but I had a severe MCAS crash in Jan and if it weren't for my even bigger dexamethasone crash in June I think I would have fully recovered from that MCAS crash.

Because of what happened with me and the dexamethasone I would obviously strongly advise against taking prednisone!

vision blue

Senior Member
@Bergkamp Thanks for the return support! Also Thanks for that reminder. Sometimes am trmpted to try some believe its safer than prednisome. I think its also used as a treatment for pseudobulbar affect disorder which i may or may not be developing (from my recurrent virus i think) And is that the same stuff in some cough medicine or am i confusing two similar names?

I seem to have two type crashes going on- adreniline crash following massive repeated over excited stimulation and mcas awakening. On the llatter, i cannot stop itching now . On the foer i keep
Getting repeated adreniline bursts from some very stressful unexpected events, each is followed by a bad return to crash. Also muscles have been bad, arms and legs hard to move and lift. I suspect also am Out of magnesium stiores and non optimal wlectrolytes

vision blue

Senior Member
And an update on the sting its 8 days later and its beingvweird. It fades- then comes beck. Not as bad but mostly now suddenly gets discolored, brownish, and the bite itself much more prominent. So i dont know if this is normal sting behavior, my immune system weirdness, or a stinger left under the skin.

Also have slew of misquito bytes and am overreacting. The bites followed my exposure to a pesticide. Im guessing they sprayed nearby and relocated a lot of bugs to me.


Senior Member
And is that the same stuff in some cough medicine or am i confusing two similar names?
I think that would be something different!
I seem to have two type crashes going on- adreniline crash following massive repeated over excited stimulation and mcas awakening. On the llatter, i cannot stop itching now . On the foer i keep
I have exactly the same 2 types of crashes. In fact, during my 5 years of ME I've rarely had a crash just from physically overexerting myself.

On another note, have you ever done a full-day cortisol test? We discussed it in this other thread and I've done one in the meantime.

Hope (and think) you'll feel better soon


Senior Member
After I had a massive pesticide exposure - carbonate - Ficam W - which the local authority sprayed throughout our newly occupied council home, because we found a whole lot of fleas biting our legs, we all became ill.

For me it was vomiting and passing out while doing so, and a severe allergy response with very high histamine symptoms like itching and sneezing. I ended up on 12 medications as we did not realize what the problem was. I was far worse than the others due to my mercury poisoning.

It took quite a while to calm down and only did so when I went macrobiotic but lost about 4 stones or 56 lbs in a short time.

Over the years I regained some health . At my worst I was nearly like that boy who had to live in a bubble and did not think I would survive but here I am.


Senior Member
You might be wondering how I found out which pesticide it was. Well about ten years after, I began to find out just why we got ill and me so very ill and was reading about pesticides. We thought it was just a nasty flu at he time and stress with moving.

So my ex got on the phone to the council posing as an Australian student (he was good with accents) and said he was doing a study on pesticide use and asked them which one they use. They told him!

We tried to sue them but there was a great miscarriage of justice over pesticide damage.


Senior Member
We tried to sue them but there was a great miscarriage of justice over pesticide damage.

Sorry to hear. It's unsurprising that systems set up by those people protect their liability. Whether it's for pesticides or pharmaceutical drugs or untreated viral illnesses - as long as you can obscure the link (like tobacco companies did for decades) then you can avoid liability.

vision blue

Senior Member
I think that would be something different!

I have exactly the same 2 types of crashes. In fact, during my 5 years of ME I've rarely had a crash just from physically overexerting myself.

On another note, have you ever done a full-day cortisol test? We discussed it in this other thread and I've done one in the meantime.

Hope (and think) you'll feel better soon

I am so glad you did the cortisol trst we discussed! Cant wait to hear all the details!

Yes, have done a few. The most complete one was 4 different times in a day. A technical note though is there was noneay i could do it all in same day, so frooze it and collected over i think 3 days.

Anyway my result was in morning was at the very low end of normsl abd at the evening at the very high end of normal. That usually is the adrenal fatigue pattern with a blunting of the usual Big range. Ive repeated so
E times since. More or less the same result.

So what happend with yours? And what time of day did you take it? And still in the crash when you took it i assume. . . .

vision blue

Senior Member
@brenda your story is breathtaking. Was it inside they sprayed? Im sneezing from it too by the way. I have to read your previous posts to see when that was. Im glad yoy survived.

I got very ill btw when they putb a biological disinfectant inside my home under a trap. A stupid workman had broken a pipe when trying to unclog a shower drain and we found lut 24 hours later when it reeked. Without telling me, they poured this stuff called Omni-Q down the trap. Later, he said he tvoughtbit woukd be better for me than chlorine bleach. Wrong...when i liooked it up later, found was not supposed to be used inside residences. Its mostly a hospital disinfectent but too toxic for patient rooms. It kills HIV and a whole list of other virus and medical thing. Hot suoer sick besides thinking my throat would close. Iwas a big ordeal. Afterwards, was unable to use that room for 5 years tho at first was everywhere. I had them come back up; they vacuuned as much up as they coukd and i had to stuff towels under door. Still cringe when i think about ot. Had to get my doctor to request from the company the propeietary ingredients because they woukd not release it to ne. They almost poisoned me one other time.

The particular pesticide last week was so strong and of the sort a huge alarm was sounded for my body. Closed windows abd out on mask but was so damn toxic.
Although iv become chemically sensitive, therees a all set that my body finds absolutely catastrophic. One of those is when im around vaping. Theres nothing that can get me so sick so fast. My body is in crisis mode beckre i even become concios of a smell. Its that fast? Perhaps some flavors? Don't know. Certainly nothing i can test out. Even sicker than low frequency sound but i think they affect different things.

Ill take flee bites any day.

vision blue

Senior Member
You might be wondering how I found out which pesticide it was. Well about ten years after, I began to find out just why we got ill and me so very ill and was reading about pesticides. We thought it was just a nasty flu at he time and stress with moving.

So my ex got on the phone to the council posing as an Australian student (he was good with accents) and said he was doing a study on pesticide use and asked them which one they use. They told him!

We tried to sue them but there was a great miscarriage of justice over pesticide damage.

Heavens thats brilliant! Im going to have to call to also find out what insecticide they use too. A couple days before this happened, i saw they were bug spraying ibside someomes place but it was not very close to here. Its possible they sprayed more loke that and maintence guy lied to me. Problem is if they slray more unite, it will be too late. Theres bew folk ablut to move into unit next door. And if theyre bug haters and get bites they may request spray. I will have to try to get a heads up but with old manager gone, is unlikely i will

Its like theres nowhere to go anymore to be free of poisons and noise pollution.


Senior Member
Was it inside they sprayed? Im sneezing from it too by the way. I have to read your previous posts to see when that was. Im glad yoy survived.

Yes it was inside, all of the carpets furniture and beds, I just had no idea how toxic it was because the workmen were not wearing protective clothing. They probably didn't live long if they were doing that regularly. The powder was recirculated every time the carpets were vaccumed so we were constantly breathing it in. We did move out after a few years for another reason but took the carpets with us!!! My two sons were interested and wanted to watch, and the spray went past them, leaving some on their bare legs. Soon after, one of them had to be rushed to A&E regularly on an evening needing a nebuliser which we were told was because he had developed asthma, with none in the family. Then the rest of us were diagnosed and the GP didn't think it strange. He told me 'it happens'. Well yes but for the reason nobody was admitting to.

I am dumbfounded that I did not work out what was happening but we had just moved house and I was in a toxic relationship with my ex (even though he was brilliant at some things). Terrible about he Omni-Q. You have to wonder why no-one was researching this stuff. So sorry to hear your story too.

My bugbear is formaldehyde which is my worst enemy, even worse than pesticide. One day I walked into a store and smelled something strange. I walked around then saw that hey had bottles of pesticide for sale. I even reacted to closed bottles.

I don't think I would still be alive had I not gone natural and or organic with everything including household cleaners.

vision blue

Senior Member
@brenda Formaldehyde is a bad one since its in so many things. I stayed in a place once with rented furniture for 3 months til mine arrived. I didnt realize til the furniture left that it was all MDF furniture (thats why was so heavy too!) and that was source of my consqnt sympts. After that, no more mdf for me...itsade house hunting hard because forst thingbi said to agent os no new cosmetic renos in last 5 years. (Second thing was low frequency noise)

Me too on household products. I use vinegar, hydrogen peroxide ((they come in wipes!) , and baking soda with the latter recently finding put not so natural after all ehich probably explains why i cant put the stuff in my mouth. I use specially made bars of lard soap, nothing except saponifird lard. She said her other customerd are hunters who need to make sure they have no traces of chemical scent including essential oil crap

When you moved and were hauling the rugs, had you then not yet known of the evils of what they sprayed? Interesting on the lack of protective gear- right if they came in with a reslirator and hazmat suit may have made youna littke suspicious...

I haven't had a chance to look up your chemical yet- is it super bad?

My management claims its not roundup but havent yet told me what it is or what the indoor insecticide is.

@hapl808 so yesterday briefly on the way up between State I cant move and state Wired but tired , i felt almost comfortable in my own skin. Niw i know if i ever feel “better” its judt the brief repite between the two local minimima extremes. Reminds me of the saying even a broken clock is right twice a day. I may change my signature to that for a little while...

(So if the hyper state lasts, took me a week or so to replenish the spent the depleted norepinephrine but am not sure its truly over)
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Senior Member
@vision blue

Apparently, one of the worst sources for formaldehyde is central heating radiators and I bought some paint to block it but never got round to doing it, but in my next flat I will. Yes regarding MDF. I was worst after moving into a brand new house with brand new carpets.

I make my own everything - toothpaste, shampoo, cleaning liquids like you.

I did not handle the carpets myself. My husband did and he was nowhere as bad as me. Carbamate is not as bad as organophosphates. You would think we were chemists lol