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Cognitive symptoms reversible?

I was wondering if the cognitive symptoms of ME/CFS are reversible (that is, if you recover, are you basically as cognitively capable as before or not).
For me, I usually lay in bed a good portion of the day to recover, but even when I feel recovered my cognitive abilities are worse than I remember them (especially amount of working memory and mathematics). I'm afraid of the possibility of this being irreversible (trying to study a MINT subject).
Is there any research on that?


Senior Member
I was wondering if the cognitive symptoms of ME/CFS are reversible (that is, if you recover, are you basically as cognitively capable as before or not).

Yes, the brain fog is fully reversible. It's not like say dementia, where there is physical damage to the brain.

However, recovery is pretty elusive, although it does occasionally happen.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@fT3go My cognitive issues were far worse before I detoxxed and added supplements to shift my biochemistry. I'm now far worse off than I was before ME, but far, far better than I was for the first 7 years. I read news related things online, and novels. I no longer push myself or have high expectations of my brain. At least there's no sign of dementia or other age-related worsening. good luck.