Hey everyone, Matt here and i'm new to the site. Thanks for accepting me. I have been dealing with serious cognitive issues for a couple years now and its gotten worse. I can't think straight, I'm always foggy headed, I have a feeling of bags under my eyes, ect. I at one point did a hormone/neurotransmitter test online with a doctor and got some hormone creme and other supplements to cure it. Seems it only made things worse. Now my vision is off and when I look at the sky or something bright i see little "squiggles" everywhere (sorry, thats the only way i can explain it.) Also since having these issues I have developed Ulcerative Colitis and quite badly i might add. I can't help but think that maybe the UC is tied in with my adrenal fatigue/HPA axis problems i have going on. The only thing i can think of to do now is go to my trusted naturopath and try the hormone test again. Any advice out there on where to begin. Thank you.