I've seen similar looking lists before when a bunch of patients are brought together to list their research priorities. If you get a bunch of patients who aren't well versed and informed about the science (unlike on this forum), then such a list can look (as Esther says) like it was written by someone who's never thought about the research possibilities before.
It's a personal bugbear of mine to see 'sleep research' in such lists. I know that we all have sleep problems and they can be a major problem for some, but is a sleep study really going to provide us with the biomedical answers to the immune system deregulation seen in ME? (Of course, some people with chronic fatigue might have a primary sleep disorder but they should be seen by sleep specialists, and primary sleep disorders have got nothing to do with CFS.)
Having said all that, "Formation of different CFS/ME sub types" is a sensible priority. So is "Prevention of CFS/ME" if it's real/sensible research and not the usual BPS stuff. (For example, Leonard Jason's large and detailed study following students to see which individuals get CFS after an ordinary mono infection, seems as if it may be helpful.) "Finding the part of the brain causes fatigue" sounds like it was possibly guided by a professional at the conference, or influenced by the conference presentations. "Interdisciplinary research linking different aspects of the disease" also sounds like it was influenced by the conference. "Matrix of symptoms to be created" doesn't seem like a totally useless idea, esp if done with a view to defining subsets, and finding biomarkers, but the symptoms are quite well documented already. "Complementary therapy" might seem a bit of a strange one to include, but patients often turn to alternative therapies, nutrition and vitamins when they have nothing else.
I don't think the list, in itself, adds anything to the field. Its usefulness all depends on who uses the list. Unfortunately the list is open to interpretation, and is vague enough to mean many things to many people.