Clinical Trials: testing viral load vs immune markers


Senior Member
Clinical Trials: testing viral load vs immune markers

Dr. Yes wrote this: "The difference between Coffin's approach and Mikovits' is the choice of parameter. Coffin wants to wait til we can accurately monitor viral load, while Mikovits wants to monitor other parameters for which there is already evidence of correlations with symptomology in ME/CFS. A great many clinical trials have been done in a great variety of diseases with no known causative agent; the parameters in these cases are usually clinical ones like those Mikovits suggested, and have sometimes been as simple as functional improvement -- usually with some form of objective measure, of course."

great quote!

question: does anyone know what immune markers we'd use in a clinical trial, to gage efficacy of a treatment? something solid so that it can be used instead of viral load.


Senior Member
i got this from another thread on this forum. could THIS be the list of immune markers mikovits is thinking of using in any WPI clinical trials?

Treating cytokine up/down-regulation

WPI & NCI Paper

"Type 1 IFN Pathyway Response to Viral Infection in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"

Mikovits,J. Hagen,K. Peterson,D. Stephens,R. Lombardi,V.
Whittemore Peterson Institute, Reno, NV, USA. Laboratory of Experimental Immunology, National Cancer Institute-Frederick, Frederick, MD, USA.

118 CFS patients
138 Controls



IL-8: 1045
MIP-1a: 763
MIP-1b: 1985
IL-6: 336
TNF-a: 148
IL-1b: 500
IP-10: 98
IFN-a: 35
IL-13: 28
IL-7 160


IL-8: 13
MIP-1a: 91
MIP-1b: 164
IL-6: 29
TNF-a: 13
IL-1b: 56
IP-10: 32
IFN-a: 60
IL-13: 86
IL-7: 60

Guide to Chemokines/Cytokines:

IL-8: RNase L & CMV activated
MIP-1a: Elevated in neurodegenerative disease
MIP-1b: Elevated in neurodegenerative disease
IL-6: Stimulates chronic inflammation
TNF-a: Stimulates chronic inflammation
IL-1b: Stimulates chronic inflammation
IP-10: Interferon response protein
IFN-a:Stimulates macrophages and NK cells to elicit an anti viral response
IL-13: Inhibits inflammatory cytokine production
IL-7: Stimulates proliferation of B & T lymphocytes & NK cells

Summary and conclusions:

Cytokine and Chemokine profiling in combination with machine logic algorythms reveals an inflammatory signature consistent with an over-expression of herpes virus and is useful for diagnosis for CFS


Patient in training
Rrrrr one thing you may not have considered is perhaps Dr Mikovits already knows how to measure viral load but the paper is under review? Research is being slowed down by editors,reviewers and printing process.