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Chronic Coxsackievirus B Infection Eliminated by Transfer of B Cells From Immune Mice


Senior Member
Mice that do not have B cells (B cell knockout mice) with lifelong persistent coxsackievirus B (CVB) infection were injected with B cells from mice that are immune to CVB, and this resulted in either a transient or permanent disappearance of detectable CVB in the infected mice.

The injected B cells resulted in a permanent elimination of the coxsackievirus B infection in a few of the mice.

See the paper: The role of B lymphocytes in coxsackievirus B3 infection

This paper is not new (published in 1999), but this info would seem pertinent for enterovirus-associated ME/CFS.

It raises the obvious question of whether a similar technique could be used to eliminate, once and for all, the coxsackievirus B infections that are thought to be a major cause of ME/CFS.
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Senior Member
Interesting. Did you see the study on Dr Chia's website showing interferon B elimated chronic coxsackie in the heart in humans ? Anyone idea how this information ties in with that ?


Senior Member