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Changes to ME agenda site



Suzy if you're reading this you have our total support and hope that whatever is going on in your life isn't negative or unresolvable. I know you couldn't answer this question but are you under some sort of injuction or super injunction? If you are a good contact would be Private Eye, they've been investigating these injunctions for a while especially ones involving Judge Eady (that's from memory, I think that's his name).

Good luck and I hope you continue posting here, Katie


I am so sorry to hear about this.
I hope you are ok. Let me know if there is anything we can do to help.

Rachel xx


Watchoo lookin' at?
The End of ME Agenda

The following was posted on the ME agenda home page today;

Changes to ME agenda site
February 15, 2010 meagenda
Changes to ME agenda site

Shortlink: http://wp.me/p5foE-2NT

Other than an update on the fulfilment of outstanding requests submitted to Imperial College, London, for information under the FOI Act, no further material will be posted on ME agenda site from today, 15 February.

This site will continue to exist as an archive but no new material will be added.

I shall continue to maintain Read ME UK Events as an archive of the April 2008 RSM CFS Conference and associated protests.

I shall continue to maintain Twenty-six soldiers of lead for selected articles.

I shall continue to maintain and develop Dx Revision Watch for the purpose for which it was created.

I should like to make it clear that I am under no pressure from any individual, organisation or agency to close this site. This is personal decision in response to the accumulation of a number of issues that have affected myself and some other UK ME advocates since 2003, and not in response to any one particular issue.

I would like to thank all those who have been supportive of this site since its inception in June 2007.

Suzy Chapman

15 February 2010


Senior Member
Woodridge, IL
How sad.....what is happening to our advocates....luminescent, possibly Hillary, and now Suzy.....I really hope & pray that they are ok, and I am so thankful to them for all that they have done for us


Senior Member
This is dreadful! Suzy was going full speed ahead, there is NO WAY she would have pulled the plug now, by choice

Whatever has happened I hope she is OK and we hear from her soon


Senior Member
How sad.....what is happening to our advocates....luminescent, possibly Hillary, and now Suzy.....I really hope & pray that they are ok, and I am so thankful to them for all that they have done for us

I will second that :)


Moderator note: I've merged the two ME Agenda threads.

Hey Suzy,

I'm listening to KJP right now :Retro smile: We're here 24/7, for silly stuff, social stuff, friendly stuff, supportive stuff and ME stuff. Hope you enjoy pancake day :D


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
@ Julius, teejkay, Samuel, Tammie, valia, fds66, Trooper

Thank you guys for your kindness and concern, but I am fine.

This was an entirely personal decision in response to a lot of stuff that I'd really prefer not to discuss on a public board. But I can assure you that there has been no pressure from any source.

@ Katie

Pancake Day, I had forgotten. I have one petrified lemon that has languished at the bottom of the fruit bowl for more weeks than I care to count - so that's no good, and no plain flour. Eat an extra one for me.

A couple of years ago, in response to a series of letters on the letters page of a UK national from readers who kept vegetables far longer than they deserved, I had a brief letter published about the "Venerable Swede" that had been living for several months in my fridge.

A few days later, a UK national radio programme which had a weekly spot for "The Biggest Waste of Printing Ink Letter to the Editor of the Week" awarded first place to my letter and the two presenters had a jolly good snigger about it. I don't think they got the joke.

Anyhoo, worry not - I'm fine.

My other sites, including Dx Revision Watch remain active - though they won't be carrying the type or quantity of material that ME agenda carries.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
I had got very good Google page rank for ME agenda site. If the web crawlers visit and find no new material they will stop visiting the site and the page rank will suffer.

There is not much point keeping archives if the links for material are on Google page four and not Google page one, so what I will be doing is posting links on ME agenda to new material as it is added to Dx Revision Watch which will redirect visitors to Dx Revision Watch but keep ME agenda site "active" for the web crawlers.


Senior Member
Woodridge, IL
Suzy I am really glad to know that you are ok......still find it sad that you needed to stop the site, but absolutely understadn and do apprecaite so much all that you have done

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Roll back to previous version...

Open a bottle of dandelion and burdock.

After stewing it over for a few days, I've decided to continue with ME agenda site, though I may take a few more days out.

Thanks to all of you who have posted here or sent me supportive back channel messages - you've been very kind.




Senior Member
Ooo dandelion and burdock - I'll join you in that - it brings back memories of my childhood.

Glad you are OK. Take care of yourself.