...as in any chronic illness, a very common cause of unusual hair loss is a condition called "Telogen Effluvium." This is when the normal cycles of natural growing and falling out of the hair follicles become jolted out of their usual random phase due to illness. In this condition, a severe physical
stress - such as pneumonia or a CFS flare up - can produce unusual hair loss which doesn't begin until 3-9 months later. ...QUOTE]
Yes, this.
I had suffered a pulmonary embolism (severe physical stress) and suffered mild hair loss (more thinning).
A lot of people who have had blood clots blame the treatment medication - warfarin for their hair loss. But, to be honest, I agree with you, I think it's the physical stress (which so many of us underestimate in an event of a blood clot).
I've been on warfarin repeatedly and NOT had further hair thinning... the treatment was preventative for further clots, but no clots and no stress and no further hairloss would lead me to believe it's not the medication.
That said, my methylation supplements have vastly improved my hair, skin and nails. All these b vitamins in a form I can use seem to really make a difference.