as far as I can tell, OSHU believes CFS to be a variety of fibromyalgia (common belief especially by rheumatologists in my area), which they believe to be
partially psychological.
When I have called the Rheumatology or Infectious Disease clinic at OHSU to ask how they treat CFS, they have variously mentioned Tilt Table Testing but told me to call at a different time to speak to the nurse, or insisted that they will only talk to my primary care doctor and only take patients with specific documentation, but will be happy to explain to a primary care doctor how to collect such documentation (or possibly they also meant, generally how to diagnose and treat the condition).
If you are looking for pain and sleep treatments, this would probably be fine; OHSU is a very fine teaching hospital and despite Dr. Bennett's unsound thinking, their fibromyalgia program seems to be adequate (I have a relative who has participated in studies there).
If you are looking for immunology, infections, I do not know for sure, but I don't think OHSU knows how to do this. Dr. Lovelace or whatever his name is, quit ME/CFS research and went over to the dark side, and OHSU (if they followed Lovelace) has since come back from there, but I cannot find out that they are educated about ME.
As far as ID doctors for ME, there are some options in California which are most likely better.
note: I call my condition ME, but I have learned to say "CFS" to clinics where I want my ME treated, to assess their level of prejudice and because they may not know what "ME" is (I have had a neurology clinic check with the neurologist, tell me they do indeed treat "myalgic encephalomyelitis", and then tell me later they assuredly do not treat CFS and most definitely will not assess me for weak lung muscles [my pulmonology results then and now show that I have weak lung muscles, a neurological condition])