1) I have lost most of the capacity that made me, "me"
- I cannot physically or mentally cope with love affairs, please note I said "love" not just "sex" much as latter is great fun, the former's what I've always needed and given. Not having a lass and kids is heart-breaking.
- I can no longer do weight training or martial arts (latter was necessary because I live in what was once one of the most violent areas in Europe, but found the philosophy of it best of all)
- I cannot go fishing, not just physically, I know it would make me very unwell to even try, I cannot afford to get upset not being able to do something I've loved since a little kid. Frankly though after suffering this, and even back when I w as well I never liked harming the wee fishies, I wouldn't want to fish anyway, seen enough suffering.
- It has wrecked my sense of empathy and spirituality, I find that particularly heinous
- It has wrecked my creative capacity. Sad as it may seem to some folks I adore Dungeons & Dragons and loved creating stories and games for it and was published etc, folks should try it, it's like improv theatre and takes a great deal of ability to run well
I'm happy being a geek. Likewise it's wrecked my writing and art. hard to explain how/why it has interfered but many of you will understand.
- I know how much physical injuries etc should hurt, I know now they hurt more than before by a good margin, after experience with other ailments I'm damn sure M.E. is causing the nervous system to over react, NOT psychology! common problem from diabetes, meningitis and other such that inflame the nervous system. Ic an speak from experience, not a qualification which has sod all to do with reality.
- Despite a lot of rather atrocious or extreme crap, I was not a depressive person. I fought illnesses or meditated.
- was not dumbly macho, but for a man to lose his virility in many senses of the word is humiliating as hell and shameful.
- My lower legs are numb, so not just balance and weakness problems but that as well makes wlaking extremely difficult, similar crap in hands. And this has al come about in months and new thing appeared over past couple of weeks, affected areas if I touch cold things, it feels wet. Sigh. that isn't hysteria, it's some form of problem with the nervous system.
- And last, but not least, now I am suffering something which if I'm lucky maybe a from of hernia, if I'm unlucky its prostate cancer.
- last two added together is scary.
- And I really don't like being around doctors and hospitals
2) Thus to have all that and then some f'ing TOSSPOT
BASTARD as usual dismiss it as "illness belief" is like blaming a rape victim for wearing "enticing clothing" or other such PISH!
apologies to original poster and those who bring such things up and debate well

I appreciate you taking time to dissect the ludicrous bullshit of these ass-wanking, inbred, class-ridden, inhumane, merciless reprobates who suck vital time and resources from the teet of Asclepius
I alas don't have your fortitude, patience or good manners and so prefer to call a spade a spade, or, "nincompoop bastard" in this case
oh yeah I should have added to the list: the general crap that M.E. does but one I so used to it one doesn't consider ache pains , headaches, feeling sick as a dog and getting knackered walking like a zombie to shop round the corner, to be "normal"
Frankly, I feel like I woke up in someone else's nightmare, can I please wake up now, pretty please with a cherry on top?