Rage and Fury at the CDC
Just saw this video and I am again in a state of rage. This Primetime story was about 15 years ago and nothing has changed. Nothing.
I know many think that Reeves, Strauss, and the others at the CDC are beyond stupid - but come on, let’s be real about this situation. All it takes is simply LOOKING at a very sick CFIDS person to know that they are indeed as sick as they say they are. If the CDC people actually listened to a few patients that would be the final kicker. So either Reeves and others never saw a single CFIDS sick person or there really is a conspiracy going on at the CDC (with another government(s) organization(s)) because that many people can not be that damn stupid. Stupid all the way up and down and across an organization?
Again, I was never one for conspiracy theories except for that which went on in governments like the Soviet Union and other communist countries (I was an East European/Soviet Studies major in college). I did not think it possible for the US government to be able to hide something so huge and deadly as CFIDS or Gulf War Syndrome. But look at the three decade’s worth of evidence. The millions of sick, those that have died or killed themselves to escape the hell they lived in, the 5,000 plus solid medical studies, the overwhelmed doctors in the trenches trying to deal with the sick and all of their symptoms. And quite truthfully I figured that those in the government would be 1) too stupid to keep something this big under wraps, 2) someone with ethics would open their mouth(s) and blow the whistle, 3) government oversight would have/should have caught on to something this big, and 4) those involved had to have learned lessons from other unethical medical experiments like The Tuskegee syphilis experiment that actually did go on unabated for 40 years before one person stepped forward and finally opened their mouth. I guess the Tuskegee experiment of 40 years with many involved should have been a tip off that our government was and still is capable of committing horrific crimes against its own population.
I am still firmly in the camp that the CFIDS and Gulf War Syndrome are part of some sort of biological warfare or other experiment gone wrong and out into the population either accidently or deliberately. I do believe that both the US and UK governments are involved given the Reeves-Weasel connection is so strong and long standing. I don't believe the 30 year dismissal of CFIDS is just plain stupidity of those involved. I can't believe it given all the evidence to the contrary. There has been some sort of serious government cover-up and the CDC has been the front man for this cover-up. Why so many other Federal government organizations ignoring this issue or supporting the CDC? Are all those people stupid too?
I supported the Federal government as a contractor for many years and did see some really stupid people making really stupid decisions. My husband spent his 35 year career as a senior Federal government employee and saw a fair amount of stupidity. But, he and I both can not help but believe that something is so rotten, so unethical that it had to be covered-up and kept covered so that the US public and the rest of the world's population would NOT find out all that had/is going on behind the scenes.
I read Mindy Kitei's (
amazing post "COWARDLY ACTS and EVERYDAY REBELLIONS" but still believe that this was an orchestrated cover-up and not just a Kuhn-like postulate that genius will be fought against, ignored, demeaned because of the old guard and their entrenched beliefs. This theory fits well with many, many other examples in the medical and scientific worlds (most actually), but not with CFIDS or XMRV/Retrovirus research and findings. Stupidity and stubbornness can not explain the 30 years that the CFIDS sick have lived through. There can not be that many stupid and stubborn researchers, scientists, and physicians who do the research, read the research and treat the millions of very sick. I just can't swallow that one.
Call me a nut job conspiracy type, but I do believe that when finally this whole sordid episode is exposed we will see that the US and UK governments have been terribly involved in burying this disease and the virus(es) that may be responsible for them. Given my own DoD involvement and what the retired military guys would tell me quietly, I have no choice but to believe the US/UK governments are the creators of these viruses and the unethical garbage at the CDC are part and parcel of this cover-up.
Go ahead and shoot at my theory, I would have 20 years ago, but everything points in this direction. Oh and let's not forget that 40 page document sitting in the UK Archives with a 73 year lockdown. What is so secret that a document is locked down until 2071?
This video just blows my mind. It has sent me back even deeper into that rage that I have lived with for 16 years along with the pain, loss of IQ/memory, sleep disorders, total lack of body energy, and all the other fun symptoms that have destroyed my life. I know you all understand this part.
It is time that we fight to bring those involved in the CFIDS/ME cover-up to justice. If I am wrong and there was no concerted cover-up, they all still need to be punished for extreme negligence and dereliction of duty. If it is egos and careers that were involved and not conspiracy, then we must still demand that the likes of Strauss and Reeves, White, Weasel and all others involved be brought before the public, shamed, and imprisoned. This won’t bring back the young ones who suffered and died from this disease or by their own hands, but it may send a strong signal to others that this sort of behavior will not be tolerated. I would have thought the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment was enough of a lesson (40 years!!!), but apparently not. Time for life-long prison sentences to vindicate our dead and sick, as well as “educate” those that follow after these criminals in the years ahead. It’s just a shame that Reeves, Strauss, Weasel, White and the rest are so old that their natural life spans allow for only a few years of prison time until their deaths.