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CCI after parasite (UK newspaper articles)


Senior Member


Senior Member
I never knew showering or swimming with contact lenses in was a risk factor for catching an Acanthamoeba keratitis eye infection.

I have not worn contact lenses since getting ME/CFS (because this illness tends to make my eyes a bit dry), but when I did, I would regularly go swimming with them on.

I have never heard of Acanthamoeba keratitis causing ME/CFS before, but this infection is rare (only 1 or 2 people per million contact wearers get this infection annually), so there would not be enough data to observe if there was an ME/CFS association.

Developing ME/CFS after a parasite infection is known though, since ME/CFS can appear after a Giardia lamblia gut infection.


Senior Member
Yes, I hadn’t heard of it before seeing that article. I guess there’s not really enough information to come to a conclusion but I just thought it was interesting that there is the suggestion that parasite caused CCI (or caused ME, then CCI). I guess it jumped out because it was another link between infection and spinal problems.