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CBD drops remove skin lesions


Senior Member
I have these lesions that are not cancerous. They are darkened, raised and rough, small spots about 1/4" or less in size. There are clusters of them near the lymph nodes on my neck and groin.

I am using CBD (cannabis oil) for other reasons and decided to try an experiment. I applied a tiny bit of CBD drops to those lesions on one side of my face and didn't treat the other side. After about a month the CBD treated ones simply fell away, leaving the darkened pigment but no raised, rough lesion. The untreated ones remain the same or have grown a little in size.

The only downside is that the CBD drops stain clothing and bedding and I forget I've applied it. It can be removed by pouring a little hydrogen peroxide on the stains before laundering.

Anyone else have skin lesions like this?


Senior Member
I'm 3 days in to trying the same thing with tea tree oil. If it doesn't change anything, I'll try the CBD. Interesting.


Senior Member
Hi Iquitos

I had some raised rough brown freckle like things removed a couple of years ago. I have two near the bikini line that I need to get removed sometime soon. I can't think of the name of them. I will try to find.

Did you notice that they started out as a freckle first ? My doctor used liquid nitrogen ( I think that was what it was called ) on them. I had to go back about 2-3 times to get rid of them completely.


Senior Member
@rosie26 Yes, they looked like freckles and then just seemed to add layers of rough dry brown material on top until they were noticibly raised and darkened. The spots that I treated are still light brown, but now smooth and level with the skin around them.


Senior Member
@Iquitos You'll find if you don't get rid of them completely they will come back. That's what I found. I had some bad sunburns as a child - I think it's from lots of sun exposure.


Senior Member
@rosie26 The majority of these lesions are in places the sun has never shown on me and they all came into existence after, and during, the time I had the "killer flu" that started all this.

At that time the skin around my lymph nodes in my neck and jaw got so hot that it flaked off later as if I had had a mild sunburn although I had not been exposed to the sun at all. (And I've never been to a "tanning salon.")

I do have other sun damage spots from childhood, but they are different from these raised lesions near my lymph nodes.They are mostly on my shoulders and arms.


Senior Member

I noticed the change after my "killer flu" onset as well.

I looked up freckles and it said they are caused by the uneven distribution of melanin in the skin. Also it seems they are caused from not only sun exposure but genetically as well. So even if you have no sun exposure in some places on the body they can still pop up in those places.

From what I read the skin absorbs the sun and then the melanin in skin distributes it unevenly which causes freckles and genetics play a role in where they come up on the body (family members often have them in the same places on the body as well. ( I'd forgotten all this :D )

I found these things just keep slowly growing, so I got rid of them before they became too big. I have 2 that I need to see into before the year is out. They were 2 that I had done the first time around but they obviously needed one more go. The other ones I had done have not come back and the skin is clear. It takes a number of visits to the doctor for the cryosurgery (liquid nitrogen) but it is well worth it.

I think these rough raised freckles are reasonably common. And I know of people who are not sick who have them as well.
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Senior Member
Yes, you're right. The only difference for me is that they are in clusters around my lymph nodes and that isn't common in my family.

@helen1 Did the tea tree oil work?


Senior Member
It's working, yes, i'm surprised! its especially working on my largest sun spot type spot that had changed texture in the past few months. A red centre had appeared plus the texture got rough. It's been 19 days that I've been rubbing in a drop of tea tree oil 3x a day. the red centre has dried up and flaked off. It has lightened in colour and the whole thing has shrunk. My doc looked at it yesterday and said 'keep putting that stuff on' but that he'd look at it again in a month.

I'm also wondering what effect tea tree oil can have once it gets into your blood stream via skin as it's an antifungal and antiviral; can it cause die off with about 6 drops a day (on the 2 spots I was treating)?

I've tried researching this aspect of tea tree oil but haven't found much. If anyone knows anything about tea tree oil please chime in...


Senior Member
@helen1 Is tea tree oil clear or does it have the capacity to stain clothing like the CBD drops do? And I'm guessing it's cheaper than CBD drops at $40/ounce. ???