Thanks for all the information. How long have you been treating now?
You're welcome.
I've been treating my gut on and off for about 12-13 years. But the first 9-10 years, I did it half-heartedly, mainly for 2 reasons. First, I couldn't tolerate even small doses of herbs to kill the bacterial overgrowth, without getting too sick to function.
The second reason was that I still wasn't convinced it was my gut, at the core of my illness. So I was jumping around treating adrenal fatigue, mitochondrial dysfunction, taking antivirals for possible viral infections etc.
About 3 years ago, when I took the Rifaximin, that reduced the overgrowth of bacteria in my gut enough so I could take a much higher dose of herbs, without getting massive die-off symptoms.
That's when I got really serious and focused primarily on my gut. I feel very frustrated to have made such progress but can't increase my dose of herbs any higher to speed up my recovery, because the die-off symptoms become too much to handle.
I also might look into taking more supplements to help my liver to detoxify the toxins I'm creating by killing off the gut bacteria.
Hopefully your doctor will help guide you through any problems like this that come up in treating your gut.
Another thing that happened to me that help convince me that my gut was the root problem. Was when I went off the low carb diet I was on a few years ago and started eating 150-200 grams of carbs a day.
I went from hardly ever spending time in bed, to spending most of my days in bed, within 2 weeks!! VERY eye opening! Went back on the low carb diet and within days, I was no longer spending days in bed.