Do you mean calcium deficiency in the plasma or in the cells?
I don't have blood tests but my situation is complicated. In 2014 I was floxed by antibiotics and then went into benzo withdrawal after 2 month use and haven't recovered since. My gut was ruined and I could not tolerate any foods or supplements without being sent into a mental wave. Muscles atrophied and I became very frail. So my diet was very limited and I had a strange edema weight gain. Spinal pain started around this time and also god awful tonsil stones that continuously showed up. I could not sit nor stand without being in pain.
My constant symptoms since withdrawal is mental fog, depression, tremors(parkinsons like), bone/joint pain, no memory retention, compulsions but mostly becus my brain can't sense when something is complete(nerves?), restless leg/cramps while sleeping, insomnia, palpitations, pressure in brain when exerting energy, and unable to handle change in temperatures. The list goes on. Through some organic acid testing my naturopath told me I had the body constitution of someone aged 90. No really Doc?? I'm 30 something. He never really gave me any solutions. Maybe cause I was intolerant to everything.
Then in 2018 naturopath gave me glutathione and it made me bleed profusely from woman bits (sorry TMI) for a year and I almost didn't make it. Bleeding issue is still with me today and I have to go to acupuncture every month to stop the bleeding. At some point gyno in 2018 gave me high dose birth control that almost killed me. I went to dentist in 2019 and he accidentally nicked my gums and said that my blood doesn't clot. (Never had this issue before the glutathione)
I tried Vitamin K and Magnesium and it made me feel awful. Tried more heme iron and vitamin C. Doesnt clot my blood at all. Currently, I've been bleeding for several months now and just started Bone meal and it looks like there's an improvement. Giving another week to see if it will slow down. I only recently learnt that Calcium helps blood clot and it's other processes. I have a feeling all these issues involve my gut and possibly parathyroid (is this where tonsil stones originate from?), which is why I suspect Calcium would help. Unfortunately calcium from foods would not be sufficient given my gut dysbiosis, especially with my casein intolerance. So only question is, how much natural calcium is the right amount needed to recover?? Sorry for the long read.