Body Don‘t absorbs any food anymore/ digestion shuts down


I‘m Lala I‘m from Germany and I have been living with cfs for more then 3 years.

(I cant write much and my English is not the best, I‘m sorry)

my condition has deteriorated more and more over time. Every move, every noise is too much to handle. Now I‘m at the point, where my body doesnt absorb any food anymore.

I have constipation all the time, worser then ever. I can‘t digest fats but also no protein. I am hungry, but nothing comes in to my cells. I‘m extremly malnourished and Getting weaker and weaker.

Has anyone tips for me? What could I eat? I am at a point where I‘m nearly to week to chew.

I‘m thankful for any advices.


Senior Member
Yes ,i would try to get your hydrochloric acid up first.

Like with lemon juice in the morning,some apple cider vinegar ,or a supplement

you might do better with fruits ,and vegetable soups for now.soups are very nourishing.if you can t chew , puree the soup...

And mashed Potatoes will fill you up and they have lots of amino acids too

Honey,if you have low blood sugar

Auf deutsch

Zitronenwasser oder Apfelessig für die magensäure
Früchte ,Apfelbrei und pürrierte Gemüsesuppen,Suppen kannst du auch gut portionsweise einfrieren
Kartoffelbrei ....reich an Aminosäuren und macht satt
Honig, falls du niedrigen blutzucker hast ....
Aber Honig wirkt stark antiviral,so könnte es sein dass du das nicht gut verträgst,wegen Entgiftungssymptomen

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Yes ,i would try to get your hydrochloric acid up first.

Like with lemon juice in the morning,some apple cider vinegar ,or a supplement

you might do better with fruits ,and vegetable soups for now.soups are very nourishing.if you can t chew , puree the soup...

And mashed Potatoes will fill you up and they have lots of amino acids too
It might not as easy as that and could be counterproductive IMO. If Lala has a urease positive infection then adding more hydrochloric acid in the form of capsules or tablets, tablets are a bad idea anyway if digestion is very weak, will increase the release of urease and will increase ammonia in the body. BTW this is extremely common. Ammonia will change the blood pH in a negative way as well as increase the detox requirement which is already severely overburdened.
urease, an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea, forming ammonia and carbon dioxide.
It is the carbon dioxide which will produce the burp/wind.

Doing a very basic test might give an indication that urease might be a factor. That involves a challenge test with some acid such as lemon or vinegar. Swallow lots of saliva when you do it because the urease enzyme reacts with urea in saliva. If you burp in around 90 seconds then there could be a urease positive infection present which despite what people falsely believe will not allow the stomach pH to lower sufficient to digest protein, fat and other nutrients. Not well recognised by doctors as a problem and when they do they only test for helicobacter pylori which is not the only urease positive micro-organism or the only stomach pathogen.

Enzymes are what I would use. Maybe pancreatin such as made by Now foods. BTW I find zinc to be very helpful for my digestion. When I do not take a zinc supplement food can sit in my stomach for very long periods of time. I love red peanuts and they sit in my stomach for long periods if I do not take any zinc and in the past I have thrown up the peanuts in some cases. Taking zinc prevents that. Therefore you might also be zinc deficient so it might be worth you trying a zinc supplement to see if anything improves. I use Swanson 25mg Zinc gluconate because it is fairly inexpensive as well as some additional in Life Extension 2 per day. Both twice a day. The Swanson tablets can be purchased in both 200 and 300 tablet bottles which tend to be the better value. The gluconate form might not be the best/most absorbable form in normal people but sufficient amounts work well for me without being too expensive. Your digestive system will be highly permeable so absorption might not be a big problem, but getting your stomach moving might be where the problems lie.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Constipation can be caused or promoted by a number of things. A lack of acetylcholine will promote constipation because the nerve impulses to the bowel will be reduced. Promoting acetylcholine production might be worth trying. I supplement with Choline and acetyl groups from acetyl-carnitine.

My bowel movements are fairly decent now and the colour looks fairly healthy most of the time. Pale stools can be a sign of lack of bile and certain amino acids are needed for it's production.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I wonder if a Peptide nutrition drink would help you. One like these though they are very expensive :(:

I supplement with Choline and acetyl groups from acetyl-carnitine.

Carl, any idea why some of us can't take Choline? It makes me feel worse. Some people discuss it in this thread as well.
Thank you all for your tips. I really appreciate it! I can‘t write much but I try to eat food that is easy digestible. Last evening my mum made me mashed potatoes :) Unfortunately my constipation is terrible. I can drink so much I want... and since I‘m sick everything last so long in my stomach, also water!
Yes ,i would try to get your hydrochloric acid up first.

Like with lemon juice in the morning,some apple cider vinegar ,or a supplement

you might do better with fruits ,and vegetable soups for now.soups are very nourishing.if you can t chew , puree the soup...

And mashed Potatoes will fill you up and they have lots of amino acids too

Honey,if you have low blood sugar

Auf deutsch

Zitronenwasser oder Apfelessig für die magensäure
Früchte ,Apfelbrei und pürrierte Gemüsesuppen,Suppen kannst du auch gut portionsweise einfrieren
Kartoffelbrei ....reich an Aminosäuren und macht satt
Honig, falls du niedrigen blutzucker hast ....
Aber Honig wirkt stark antiviral,so könnte es sein dass du das nicht gut verträgst,wegen Entgiftungssymptomen

Unfortunately my stomach is so sensitive. I can’t tolarate any acids or alcohol...i have the feeling that my gastric mucosa is idk how to say very thin/ in a bad state...

Danke für deine Tipps!


Senior Member
you can also help your digestion by activating your saliva glands before a meal with some ginger,salt and bit of lemon and experimenting with some teas .this helps producing digestive enzymes

And have your meals mushy and well cooked

I hope your digestion and malabsorption will get better soon.


Senior Member
@Lalala more natural digestive enzymes are

Papaya with protease helps to digest protein
Avocado with lipase helps digest fats
Honey has amylase and protease helps for carbs and protein

Honey with lemon in water also helps great,aber wie ich schon sagte sei vorsichtig mit honig,wegen entgiftung

All this of course you also can take as a supplement if tolarated


suffering ceases when craving is removed
I'm sorry you are having these difficulties. In the past, I've had each of the same issues you are currently experiencing.

I was able to resolve my severe constipation by avoiding certain foods, while also gradually increasing my ginger intake (a pinch of ginger powder, several times per day). As I understand, it helps with peristalsis.. keeps everything moving in the intestines.

I also performed regular clockwise intestinal massages using light finger pressure. Deep breathing also helps increase motility.

You may also have gastroparesis. Mine began with my stomach failing to recognize or empty fluids. Eventually that translated into food difficulties. Keep in mind, your constipation problems right now may simply be diet or nutritionally caused. Or due to a lack of physical movement. Or dehydration.

Constipation can mess up regularly scheduled GI functions.

In regards to your being sensitive to sound, or light, or anything else… my sensitivities decreased substantially with dietary changes. I eliminated all simple sugars, simple carbs, and other foods that triggered brain fog, as well as other symptoms.

For instance, I have a very bad reaction to potatoes. Brain fog, sweating, and weakness, are nearly instantaneous.

Please let me know if you need any clarification.

You may also have something entirely different than me, so proceed carefully. My experiences are unique to me. :)



Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Lalala - 16 years ago I was having trouble digesting food. It would sit in my stomach for hours and fats and protein were especially hard to digest. With the help of my doctor, I ended up taking hydrochloric acid with pepsin (the pepsin helps digest protein) and it was like a miracle. My digestion improved almost overnight. I've had to take it ever since, but I don't mind. I was having trouble with my liver and my gallbladder as well, and after I did a liver cleanse and started taking the hydrochloric acid with pepsin, everything got better.

My doctor told me to start with 1 or 2 capsules with a meal, and increase it by one capsule until I felt "acidy", and then to decrease it by one capsule. It's hard to explain but I knew what it was when I felt it and I ended up taking 3 with a meal. This is what I've been taking (sometimes I take other brands): Swanson Premium Betaine HCl Hydrochloric Acid with Pepsin 250 Caps - Swanson Health Products (

@Carl makes some interesting points. I've never heard of a urease positive infection which could contraindicate the use of hydrochloric acid with pepsin capsules. But you might simply be deficient in HCL also.

One test you can try is to put 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach. If you don't burp within a few minutes. it can indicate that your stomach acid is low. Also, many people with ME/CFS are low in stomach acid. It seems to be very common here.
Is der something I can do? I am so weak, there is nothing to pace anymore. My heart doesn’t make this quite long anymore.I am to weak to breathe, my digestion is shutting down. It’s serious for the first time in my life, I feel it. Should I call the emergency? Nobody believes me that I‘m that ill. My family force me even to go for a walk or to take a shower. I can’t anymore.


Senior Member
Hi Lalala.....This always makes me mad when I hear of people being forced against their wills to accomplish something they can't.

You're weak, but can you stand up to them and use the word "NO!" and mean it? Are they going to bodily put you in the shower or force you out the door? I have no patience with people like that whatsoever.

I'm extremely fortunate that my family believes me; indeed were present from the beginning of my problems and even spend their own money for research. What about people in your position, though? I don't know and don't know what the law says in your area. One of our organizations (not PR), but ME or the like, may be able to inform you of your options.

As far as your digestive complaints go, they could fall under many different reasons. I don't know if you have a product called Miralax, which is readily dissolvable and has absolutely no taste, in your area, but that may help your constipation. (It's sold on shelves.) I would then work on the acid in your stomach....there may be a problem there. Many of us are on constant alert for digestive problems and who knows the real reason for it?

I'm sure your family is doing what they think best.....but it's not helpful, is it? Be strong and fight their undertakings as much as possible. Chances are they think you're wanting to stay in your home instead of going into the wider world. It's a common complaint. Sorry you have to deal with it. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
What my doctor initially had me do for constipation was Fybrogel which is a dried mushroom fibre with flavourings as a powder you add to a drink and it draws water into the stools to soften them. I used this for years until I found Psyllium husk in capsule format and I was until recently taking 2 of those a day breakfast and dinner. This attacks the constipation issue on a mechanical level with fibre and liquid while you search for what is causing the constipation problem and resolve it, its a treatment to avoid anal fissures, hemorrhoids or worse stuck stools at least but it wont fix what is wrong. I found intolerances using FODMAP that reduced the pain and constpiation a bit as well and I am still crawling up out of that diet gradually.

A basic stool test ruled out anything serious for me and then I got good information from my microbiome test by biomesight. This showed me which bacteria were missing or causing problems and what to change my diet to in order to improve their prevalence. Then on top of those diet changes I added Kefir, Kombucha and Kimchi daily as well as some other fermented foods. The vast majority of what I eat is now probiotic supporting or otherwise necessary. The kefir seemed to cure most of my lactose intolerance with time and I added home made yoghurt containing extra bacteria of the type I need and I eat a litre of that a week now too on top of probiotic capsules. This has allowed me to ease off of half of the Psyllium husk and clearly my stools are better and more bio active and still improving, its been about 3 months of the diet and probiotic foods but about 16 months in all with the FODMAP exploration and then probiotic capsules and such.

That is what I am doing gut digestion wise, it has improved my situation at least and the Fybrogel and Psyllium husk have been life savers.
Thank you for your answers. I am getting weaker... every breath is exhausting. I am so afraid. it is as if my body is holding on to life with the last of its strength


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
I've had constipation for many years. Resolved it several times and recently found a new supplement that has had a dramatic effect. In another thread on PR on the topic microbiome analysis, there was talk of two specific microbes under represented in the microbiomes of people with ME/CFS, so I looked up what prebiotics these two microbes feed on and found Inulin was suitable. Also garlic and onions was another thing both microbes liked to feed on. So I took 1/4 teaspoon of Inulin and later that day passed poop several times. The change was so dramatic it almost turned into several days of diarrhea. So start low and go slow.

Since then, every 2-3 days I add a little bit of Inulin to Yoghurt and consume after dinner. In addition for extra help I sometimes add 150mg Magnesium Citrate.

But that's not all, whenever I've resolved constipation, I find it has a noticeable reduction on fatigue. I wish you all the best.